Results for: "partition"

Returns the status of the global “abort on exception” condition.

The default is false.

When set to true, if any thread is aborted by an exception, the raised exception will be re-raised in the main thread.

Can also be specified by the global $DEBUG flag or command line option -d.

See also ::abort_on_exception=.

There is also an instance level method to set this for a specific thread, see abort_on_exception.

When set to true, if any thread is aborted by an exception, the raised exception will be re-raised in the main thread. Returns the new state.

Thread.abort_on_exception = true
t1 = do
  puts  "In new thread"
  raise "Exception from thread"
puts "not reached"

This will produce:

In new thread
prog.rb:4: Exception from thread (RuntimeError)
 from prog.rb:2:in `initialize'
 from prog.rb:2:in `new'
 from prog.rb:2

See also ::abort_on_exception.

There is also an instance level method to set this for a specific thread, see abort_on_exception=.

Returns the status of the global “report on exception” condition.

The default is true since Ruby 2.5.

All threads created when this flag is true will report a message on $stderr if an exception kills the thread. { 1.times { raise } }

will produce this output on $stderr:

#<Thread:...> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
Traceback (most recent call last):
        2: from -e:1:in `block in <main>'
        1: from -e:1:in `times'

This is done to catch errors in threads early. In some cases, you might not want this output. There are multiple ways to avoid the extra output:

See also ::report_on_exception=.

There is also an instance level method to set this for a specific thread, see report_on_exception=.

Returns the new state. When set to true, all threads created afterwards will inherit the condition and report a message on $stderr if an exception kills a thread:

Thread.report_on_exception = true
t1 = do
  puts  "In new thread"
  raise "Exception from thread"
puts "In the main thread"

This will produce:

In new thread
#<Thread:...prog.rb:2> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
Traceback (most recent call last):
prog.rb:4:in `block in <main>': Exception from thread (RuntimeError)
In the main thread

See also ::report_on_exception.

There is also an instance level method to set this for a specific thread, see report_on_exception=.

Returns the status of the thread-local “abort on exception” condition for this thr.

The default is false.

See also abort_on_exception=.

There is also a class level method to set this for all threads, see ::abort_on_exception.

When set to true, if this thr is aborted by an exception, the raised exception will be re-raised in the main thread.

See also abort_on_exception.

There is also a class level method to set this for all threads, see ::abort_on_exception=.

Returns the status of the thread-local “report on exception” condition for this thr.

The default value when creating a Thread is the value of the global flag Thread.report_on_exception.

See also report_on_exception=.

There is also a class level method to set this for all new threads, see ::report_on_exception=.

When set to true, a message is printed on $stderr if an exception kills this thr. See ::report_on_exception for details.

See also report_on_exception.

There is also a class level method to set this for all new threads, see ::report_on_exception=.

Return the value that should be dumped for the version option.

Starts tracing object allocations.

Returns the Ruby source filename and line number containing the definition of the constant specified. If the named constant is not found, nil is returned. If the constant is found, but its source location can not be extracted (constant is defined in C code), empty array is returned.

inherit specifies whether to lookup in mod.ancestors (true by default).

# test.rb:
class A         # line 1
  C1 = 1
  C2 = 2

module M        # line 6
  C3 = 3

class B < A     # line 10
  include M
  C4 = 4

class A # continuation of A definition
  C2 = 8 # constant redefinition; warned yet allowed

p B.const_source_location('C4')           # => ["test.rb", 12]
p B.const_source_location('C3')           # => ["test.rb", 7]
p B.const_source_location('C1')           # => ["test.rb", 2]

p B.const_source_location('C3', false)    # => nil  -- don't lookup in ancestors

p A.const_source_location('C2')           # => ["test.rb", 16] -- actual (last) definition place

p Object.const_source_location('B')       # => ["test.rb", 10] -- top-level constant could be looked through Object
p Object.const_source_location('A')       # => ["test.rb", 1] -- class reopening is NOT considered new definition

p B.const_source_location('A')            # => ["test.rb", 1]  -- because Object is in ancestors
p M.const_source_location('A')            # => ["test.rb", 1]  -- Object is not ancestor, but additionally checked for modules

p Object.const_source_location('A::C1')   # => ["test.rb", 2]  -- nesting is supported
p Object.const_source_location('String')  # => []  -- constant is defined in C code

Makes the set compare its elements by their identity and returns self. This method may not be supported by all subclasses of Set.

Returns true if the set will compare its elements by their identity. Also see Set#compare_by_identity.

Initialize WIN32OLE object(ActiveX Control) by calling IPersistMemory::InitNew.

Before calling OLE method, some kind of the ActiveX controls created with MFC should be initialized by calling IPersistXXX::InitNew.

If and only if you received the exception “HRESULT error code: 0x8000ffff catastrophic failure”, try this method before invoking any ole_method.

obj ="ProgID_or_GUID_of_ActiveX_Control")

Sets self to consider only identity in comparing keys; two keys are considered the same only if they are the same object; returns self.

By default, these two object are considered to be the same key, so s1 will overwrite s0:

s0 = 'x'
s1 = 'x'
h = {}
h.compare_by_identity? # => false
h[s0] = 0
h[s1] = 1
h # => {"x"=>1}

After calling #compare_by_identity, the keys are considered to be different, and therefore do not overwrite each other:

h = {}
h.compare_by_identity # => {}
h.compare_by_identity? # => true
h[s0] = 0
h[s1] = 1
h # => {"x"=>0, "x"=>1}

Returns true if compare_by_identity has been called, false otherwise.

Returns the class for the given object.

class A
  def foo
    ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{ObjectSpace::allocation_class_path(obj)}"
end #=> "Class"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

With a block given, calls the block with each repeated permutation of length size of the elements of self; each permutation is an array; returns self. The order of the permutations is indeterminate.

If a positive integer argument size is given, calls the block with each size-tuple repeated permutation of the elements of self. The number of permutations is self.size**size.


If size is zero, calls the block once with an empty array.

If size is negative, does not call the block:

[0, 1, 2].repeated_permutation(-1) {|permutation| fail 'Cannot happen' }

With no block given, returns a new Enumerator.

Related: see Methods for Combining.

With a block given, calls the block with each repeated combination of length size of the elements of self; each combination is an array; returns self. The order of the combinations is indeterminate.

If a positive integer argument size is given, calls the block with each size-tuple repeated combination of the elements of self. The number of combinations is (size+1)(size+2)/2.


If size is zero, calls the block once with an empty array.

If size is negative, does not call the block:

[0, 1, 2].repeated_combination(-1) {|combination| fail 'Cannot happen' }

With no block given, returns a new Enumerator.

Related: see Methods for Combining.

Like backtrace, but returns each line of the execution stack as a Thread::Backtrace::Location. Accepts the same arguments as backtrace.

f = { Fiber.yield }
loc = f.backtrace_locations.first
loc.label  #=> "yield"
loc.path   #=> "test.rb"
loc.lineno #=> 1

Returns the backtrace (the list of code locations that led to the exception), as an array of Thread::Backtrace::Location instances.

Example (assuming the code is stored in the file named t.rb):

def division(numerator, denominator)
  numerator / denominator

  division(1, 0)
rescue => ex
  p ex.backtrace_locations
  # ["t.rb:2:in 'Integer#/'", "t.rb:2:in 'Object#division'", "t.rb:6:in '<main>'"]
  loc = ex.backtrace_locations.first
  p loc.class
  # Thread::Backtrace::Location
  p loc.path
  # "t.rb"
  p loc.lineno
  # 2
  p loc.label
  # "Integer#/"

The value returned by this method might be adjusted when raising (see Kernel#raise), or during intermediate handling by set_backtrace.

See also backtrace that provide the same value as an array of strings. (Note though that two values might not be consistent with each other when backtraces are manually adjusted.)

See Backtraces.

Creates module functions for the named methods. These functions may be called with the module as a receiver, and also become available as instance methods to classes that mix in the module. Module functions are copies of the original, and so may be changed independently. The instance-method versions are made private. If used with no arguments, subsequently defined methods become module functions. String arguments are converted to symbols. If a single argument is passed, it is returned. If no argument is passed, nil is returned. If multiple arguments are passed, the arguments are returned as an array.

module Mod
  def one
    "This is one"
  module_function :one
class Cls
  include Mod
  def call_one
end     #=> "This is one"
c =
c.call_one  #=> "This is one"
module Mod
  def one
    "This is the new one"
end     #=> "This is one"
c.call_one  #=> "This is the new one"

Returns the fractional part of the day in range (Rational(0, 1)…Rational(1, 1)):,2,3,12).day_fraction # => (1/2)

Returns the fractional part of the second in range (Rational(0, 1)…Rational(1, 1)):, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.5).sec_fraction # => (1/2)

Clone internal hash.

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