Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Returns an array of the entry names in the directory at dirpath; sets the given encoding onto each returned entry name:

Dir.entries('/example') # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb", "..", "."]
# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
Dir.entries('/example', encoding: 'US-ASCII').first.encoding
# => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

See String Encoding.

Raises an exception if the directory does not exist.

Returns the file descriptor used in dir.

d ='..')
d.fileno # => 8

This method uses the dirfd() function defined by POSIX 2008; the method is not implemented on non-POSIX platforms (raises NotImplementedError).

Returns the dirpath string that was used to create self (or nil if created by method Dir.for_fd):'example').path # => "example"

Returns a string description of self:'example').inspect # => "#<Dir:example>"

Reads and returns the next entry name from self; returns nil if at end-of-stream; see Dir As Stream-Like:

dir ='example') # => "." # => ".." # => "config.h"

Sets the position in self to zero; see Dir As Stream-Like:

dir ='example')    # => "."    # => ".."
dir.pos     # => 2
dir.rewind  # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos     # => 0

Returns the current position of self; see Dir As Stream-Like:

dir ='example')
dir.tell  # => 0  # => "."
dir.tell  # => 1

Sets the position in self and returns self. The value of position should have been returned from an earlier call to tell; if not, the return values from subsequent calls to read are unspecified.

See Dir As Stream-Like.


dir ='example')
dir.pos      # => 0  # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos      # => 3 # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos      # => 5

Returns the current position of self; see Dir As Stream-Like:

dir ='example')
dir.tell  # => 0  # => "."
dir.tell  # => 1

Sets the position in self and returns position. The value of position should have been returned from an earlier call to tell; if not, the return values from subsequent calls to read are unspecified.

See Dir As Stream-Like.


dir ='example')
dir.pos      # => 0
dir.pos = 3  # => 3
dir.pos      # => 3
dir.pos = 30 # => 30
dir.pos      # => 5

Closes the stream in self, if it is open, and returns nil; ignored if self is already closed:

dir ='example')     # => "."
dir.close     # => nil
dir.close     # => nil # Raises IOError.

Returns the path to the current working directory:

Dir.chdir("/tmp") # => 0
Dir.pwd           # => "/tmp"

Returns the path to the current working directory:

Dir.chdir("/tmp") # => 0
Dir.pwd           # => "/tmp"

Removes the directory at dirpath from the underlying file system:

Dir.rmdir('foo') # => 0

Raises an exception if the directory is not empty.

Removes the directory at dirpath from the underlying file system:

Dir.rmdir('foo') # => 0

Raises an exception if the directory is not empty.

Retruns the home directory path of the user specified with user_name if it is not nil, or the current login user:

Dir.home         # => "/home/me"
Dir.home('root') # => "/root"

Raises ArgumentError if user_name is not a user name.

Returns whether dirpath is a directory in the underlying file system:

Dir.exist?('/example')         # => true
Dir.exist?('/nosuch')          # => false
Dir.exist?('/example/main.rb') # => false

Same as

Returns whether dirpath specifies an empty directory:

dirpath = '/tmp/foo'
Dir.empty?(dirpath)            # => true
Dir.empty?('/example')         # => false
Dir.empty?('/example/main.rb') # => false

Raises an exception if dirpath does not specify a directory or file in the underlying file system.

Creates a new Dir object dir for the directory at dirpath.

With no block, the method equivalent to, encoding):'.') # => #<Dir:.>

With a block given, the block is called with the created dir; on block exit dir is closed and the block’s value is returned:'.') {|dir| dir.inspect } # => "#<Dir:.>"

The value given with optional keyword argument encoding specifies the encoding for the directory entry names; if nil (the default), the file system’s encoding is used:'.').read.encoding                       # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>'.', encoding: 'US-ASCII').read.encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

Returns a new Dir object for the directory at dirpath:'.') # => #<Dir:.>

The value given with optional keyword argument encoding specifies the encoding for the directory entry names; if nil (the default), the file system’s encoding is used:'.').read.encoding                       # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>'.', encoding: 'US-ASCII').read.encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

Calls Dir.glob with argument patterns and the values of keyword arguments base and sort; returns the array of selected entry names.

Forms an array entry_names of the entry names selected by the arguments.

Argument patterns is a string pattern or an array of string patterns; note that these are not regexps; see below.

Notes for the following examples:

With no block, returns array entry_names; example (using the simple file tree):

Dir.glob('*') # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]

With a block, calls the block with each of the entry_names and returns nil:

Dir.glob('*') {|entry_name| puts entry_name } # => nil



If optional keyword argument flags is given, the value modifies the matching; see below.

If optional keyword argument base is given, its value specifies the base directory. Each pattern string specifies entries relative to the base directory; the default is '.'. The base directory is not prepended to the entry names in the result:

Dir.glob(pattern, base: 'lib').take(5)
# => ["abbrev.gemspec", "abbrev.rb", "base64.gemspec", "base64.rb", "benchmark.gemspec"]
Dir.glob(pattern, base: 'lib/irb').take(5)
# => ["cmd", "color.rb", "color_printer.rb", "completion.rb", "context.rb"]

If optional keyword sort is given, its value specifies whether the array is to be sorted; the default is true. Passing value false with that keyword disables sorting (though the underlying file system may already have sorted the array).


Each pattern string is expanded according to certain metacharacters; examples below use the Ruby file tree:

More examples (using the simple file tree):

# We're in the example directory.
File.basename(Dir.pwd) # => "example"
Dir.glob('config.?')              # => ["config.h"]
Dir.glob('*.[a-z][a-z]')          # => ["main.rb"]
Dir.glob('*.[^r]*')               # => ["config.h"]
Dir.glob('*.{rb,h}')              # => ["main.rb", "config.h"]
Dir.glob('*')                     # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]
Dir.glob('*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH) # => [".", "config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]
Dir.glob(["*.rb", "*.h"])         # => ["main.rb", "config.h"]

=> ["lib/song/karaoke.rb", "lib/song.rb", "main.rb"]

Dir.glob('**/*.rb', base: 'lib')  #   => ["song/karaoke.rb", "song.rb"]

Dir.glob('**/lib')                # => ["lib"]

Dir.glob('**/lib/**/*.rb')        # => ["lib/song/karaoke.rb", "lib/song.rb"]

Dir.glob('**/lib/*.rb')           # => ["lib/song.rb"]


If optional keyword argument flags is given (the default is zero – no flags), its value should be the bitwise OR of one or more of the constants defined in module File::Constants.


flags = File::FNM_EXTGLOB | File::FNM_DOTMATCH

Specifying flags can extend, restrict, or otherwise modify the matching.

The flags for this method (other constants in File::Constants do not apply):

Return the target directory where the gem is to be installed. This directory is not guaranteed to be populated.

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