that takes an argument, which does not begin with ‘-’ or is ‘-’.
doesn’t include the rest of the token in the event, so we need to trim it down to just the content on the first line when comparing.
A constant field represents a constant value on a node. Effectively, it represents an identifier found within the source. It resolves to a symbol in Ruby.
A constant list field represents a list of constant values on a node. It resolves to an array of symbols in Ruby.
A source that is represented by a file path.
A field that represents the file path.
A field representing the start and end character offsets.
A field representing the start and end code unit offsets.
A field representing the start and end character columns.
A field representing the start and end code unit columns for a specific encoding.
A repository is a configured collection of fields and a set of entries that knows how to reparse a source and reify the values.
This class is used by rubygems to build Rust extensions. It is a thin-wrapper over the ‘cargo rustc` command which takes care of building Rust code in a way that Ruby can use.