Results for: "uniq"

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Displays a warning statement to the warning output location. Asks a question if given.

Return a hash for statistics generated for the --yjit-stats command line option. Return nil when option is not passed or unavailable.

Returns a list of the undefined instance methods defined in mod. The undefined methods of any ancestors are not included.

Unpacks sockaddr into port and ip_address.

sockaddr should be a string or an addrinfo for AF_INET/AF_INET6.

sockaddr = Socket.sockaddr_in(80, "")
p sockaddr #=> "\x02\x00\x00P\x7F\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
p Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sockaddr) #=> [80, ""]

Packs path as an AF_UNIX sockaddr string.

Socket.sockaddr_un("/tmp/sock") #=> "\x01\x00/tmp/sock\x00\x00..."

Returns true if and only if the scan pointer is at the beginning of the line.

s ="test\ntest\n")
s.bol?           # => true
s.bol?           # => false
s.bol?           # => true
s.bol?           # => true

Returns reference counter of Dispatch interface of WIN32OLE object. You should not use this method because this method exists only for debugging WIN32OLE.

Returns the array of WIN32OLE::Method object . The element of the array is property (settable) of WIN32OLE object.

excel ='Excel.Application')
properties = excel.ole_func_methods

Initialize WIN32OLE object(ActiveX Control) by calling IPersistMemory::InitNew.

Before calling OLE method, some kind of the ActiveX controls created with MFC should be initialized by calling IPersistXXX::InitNew.

If and only if you received the exception “HRESULT error code: 0x8000ffff catastrophic failure”, try this method before invoking any ole_method.

obj ="ProgID_or_GUID_of_ActiveX_Control")

Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is undefined in the receiver.

module Chatty
  def Chatty.singleton_method_undefined(id)
    puts "Undefining #{id.id2name}"
  def   end
  class << self


Undefining one

Establishes proc on thr as the handler for tracing, or disables tracing if the parameter is nil.

See Kernel#set_trace_func.

Adds proc as a handler for tracing.

See Thread#set_trace_func and Kernel#set_trace_func.

Establishes proc as the handler for tracing, or disables tracing if the parameter is nil.

Note: this method is obsolete, please use TracePoint instead.

proc takes up to six parameters:

proc is invoked whenever an event occurs.

Events are:


call a C-language routine


return from a C-language routine


call a Ruby method


start a class or module definition


finish a class or module definition


execute code on a new line


raise an exception


return from a Ruby method

Tracing is disabled within the context of proc.

class Test
  def test
    a = 1
    b = 2

set_trace_func proc { |event, file, line, id, binding, class_or_module|
  printf "%8s %s:%-2d %16p %14p\n", event, file, line, id, class_or_module
t =


c-return prog.rb:8   :set_trace_func         Kernel
    line prog.rb:11              nil            nil
  c-call prog.rb:11             :new          Class
  c-call prog.rb:11      :initialize    BasicObject
c-return prog.rb:11      :initialize    BasicObject
c-return prog.rb:11             :new          Class
    line prog.rb:12              nil            nil
    call prog.rb:2             :test           Test
    line prog.rb:3             :test           Test
    line prog.rb:4             :test           Test
  return prog.rb:5             :test           Test

Counts objects size (in bytes) for each type.

Note that this information is incomplete. You need to deal with this information as only a HINT. Especially, total size of T_DATA may be wrong.

It returns a hash as:

{:TOTAL=>1461154, :T_CLASS=>158280, :T_MODULE=>20672, :T_STRING=>527249, ...}

If the optional argument, result_hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

The contents of the returned hash is implementation defined. It may be changed in future.

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby.

Counts objects for each T_DATA type.

This method is only for MRI developers interested in performance and memory usage of Ruby programs.

It returns a hash as:

{RubyVM::InstructionSequence=>504, :parser=>5, :barrier=>6,
 :mutex=>6, Proc=>60, RubyVM::Env=>57, Mutex=>1, Encoding=>99,
 ThreadGroup=>1, Binding=>1, Thread=>1, RubyVM=>1, :iseq=>1,
 Random=>1, ARGF.class=>1, Data=>1, :autoload=>3, Time=>2}
# T_DATA objects existing at startup on r32276.

If the optional argument, result_hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

The contents of the returned hash is implementation specific and may change in the future.

In this version, keys are Class object or Symbol object.

If object is kind of normal (accessible) object, the key is Class object. If object is not a kind of normal (internal) object, the key is symbol name, registered by rb_data_type_struct.

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby.

Counts objects for each T_IMEMO type.

This method is only for MRI developers interested in performance and memory usage of Ruby programs.

It returns a hash as:


If the optional argument, result_hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

The contents of the returned hash is implementation specific and may change in the future.

In this version, keys are symbol objects.

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby.

Load the document contained in filename. Returns the yaml contained in filename as a Ruby object, or if the file is empty, it returns the specified fallback return value, which defaults to false.

NOTE: This method *should not* be used to parse untrusted documents, such as YAML documents that are supplied via user input. Instead, please use the safe_load_file method.

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