Results for: "Pathname"

Mixin for holding meta-information.

Flags for arguments nodes.

Flags for interpolated string nodes that indicated mutability if they are also marked as literals.

Flags for keyword hash nodes.

A parser for the pack template language.

This module is responsible for converting the prism syntax tree into other syntax trees.

Random number formatter.

Formats generated random numbers in many manners. When 'random/formatter' is required, several methods are added to empty core module Random::Formatter, making them available as Random’s instance and module methods.

Standard library SecureRandom is also extended with the module, and the methods described below are available as a module methods in it.


Generate random hexadecimal strings:

require 'random/formatter'

prng =
prng.hex(10) #=> "52750b30ffbc7de3b362"
prng.hex(10) #=> "92b15d6c8dc4beb5f559"
prng.hex(13) #=> "39b290146bea6ce975c37cfc23"
# or just
Random.hex #=> "1aed0c631e41be7f77365415541052ee"

Generate random base64 strings:

prng.base64(10) #=> "EcmTPZwWRAozdA=="
prng.base64(10) #=> "KO1nIU+p9DKxGg=="
prng.base64(12) #=> "7kJSM/MzBJI+75j8"
Random.base64(4) #=> "bsQ3fQ=="

Generate random binary strings:

prng.random_bytes(10) #=> "\016\t{\370g\310pbr\301"
prng.random_bytes(10) #=> "\323U\030TO\234\357\020\a\337"
Random.random_bytes(6) #=> "\xA1\xE6Lr\xC43"

Generate alphanumeric strings:

prng.alphanumeric(10) #=> "S8baxMJnPl"
prng.alphanumeric(10) #=> "aOxAg8BAJe"
Random.alphanumeric #=> "TmP9OsJHJLtaZYhP"

Generate UUIDs:

prng.uuid #=> "2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594"
prng.uuid #=> "bad85eb9-0713-4da7-8d36-07a8e4b00eab"
Random.uuid #=> "f14e0271-de96-45cc-8911-8910292a42cd"

All methods are available in the standard library SecureRandom, too:

SecureRandom.hex #=> "05b45376a30c67238eb93b16499e50cf"

Generate a random number in the given range as Random does

prng.random_number       #=> 0.5816771641321361
prng.random_number(1000) #=> 485
prng.random_number(1..6) #=> 3
prng.rand                #=> 0.5816771641321361
prng.rand(1000)          #=> 485
prng.rand(1..6)          #=> 3
No documentation available

Mixin methods for install and update options for Gem::Commands

This module is used for safely loading YAML specs from a gem. The ‘safe_load` method defined on this module is specifically designed for loading Gem specifications. For loading other YAML safely, please see Psych.safe_load

Mixin methods for Gem::Command to promote available RubyGems update

A stub yaml serializer that can handle only hashes and strings (as of now).

No documentation available

Generic exception class of the Timestamp module.

TimeStamp struct

Handles “Negotiate” type authentication. Geared towards authenticating with a proxy server over HTTP

Class for representing HTTP method PATCH:

require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
hostname = uri.hostname # => ""
uri.path = '/posts'
req = # => #<Net::HTTP::Patch PATCH>
req.body = '{"title": "foo","body": "bar","userId": 1}'
req.content_type = 'application/json'
res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|

See Request Headers.



Class for representing WebDAV method PROPPATCH:

require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
hostname = uri.hostname # => ""
req = # => #<Net::HTTP::Proppatch PROPPATCH>
res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|

See Request Headers.


Switch that can omit argument.

If we have an identifier that follows a method name like:

def foo bar

then Ripper will mark bar as END|LABEL if there is a local in a parent scope named bar because it hasn’t pushed the local table yet. We do this more accurately, so we need to allow comparing against both END and END|LABEL.

An optional location field represents the location of some part of the node in the source code that may or may not be present. It resolves to either a Prism::Location or nil in Ruby.

No documentation available

SvcParams for service binding RRs. [RFC9460]

Base class for SvcParam. [RFC9460]

No documentation available
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