Results for: "module_function"

Activates the trace.

Returns true if trace was enabled. Returns false if trace was disabled.

trace.enabled?  #=> false
trace.enable    #=> false (previous state)
                #   trace is enabled
trace.enabled?  #=> true
trace.enable    #=> true (previous state)
                #   trace is still enabled

If a block is given, the trace will only be enabled during the block call. If target and target_line are both nil, then target_thread will default to the current thread if a block is given.

#=> false

trace.enable do
  # only enabled for this block and thread

#=> false

target, target_line and target_thread parameters are used to limit tracing only to specified code objects. target should be a code object for which RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of will return an instruction sequence.

t = { |tp| p tp }

def m1
  p 1

def m2
  p 2

t.enable(target: method(:m1))

# prints #<TracePoint:line test.rb:4 in `m1'>
# prints nothing

Note: You cannot access event hooks within the enable block.

trace.enable { p tp.lineno }
#=> RuntimeError: access from outside

Deactivates the trace

Return true if trace was enabled. Return false if trace was disabled.

trace.enabled?      #=> true
trace.disable       #=> true (previous status)
trace.enabled?      #=> false
trace.disable       #=> false

If a block is given, the trace will only be disable within the scope of the block.

#=> true

trace.disable do
    # only disabled for this block

#=> true

Note: You cannot access event hooks within the block.

trace.disable { p tp.lineno }
#=> RuntimeError: access from outside

The current status of the trace

Returns a new Complex object if the arguments are valid; otherwise raises an exception if exception is true; otherwise returns nil.

With Numeric arguments real and imag, returns Complex.rect(real, imag) if the arguments are valid.

With string argument s, returns a new Complex object if the argument is valid; the string may have:

Returns the name at the definition of the current method as a Symbol. If called outside of a method, it returns nil.

Returns the called name of the current method as a Symbol. If called outside of a method, it returns nil.

Suspends execution of the current thread for the number of seconds specified by numeric argument secs, or forever if secs is nil; returns the integer number of seconds suspended (rounded).  # => 2008-03-08 19:56:19 +0900
sleep 1.2 # => 1  # => 2008-03-08 19:56:20 +0900
sleep 1.9 # => 2  # => 2008-03-08 19:56:22 +0900

Returns the current execution stack—an array containing strings in the form file:line or file:line: in `method'.

The optional start parameter determines the number of initial stack entries to omit from the top of the stack.

A second optional length parameter can be used to limit how many entries are returned from the stack.

Returns nil if start is greater than the size of current execution stack.

Optionally you can pass a range, which will return an array containing the entries within the specified range.

def a(skip)
def b(skip)
def c(skip)
c(0)   #=> ["prog:2:in `a'", "prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:10:in `<main>'"]
c(1)   #=> ["prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:11:in `<main>'"]
c(2)   #=> ["prog:8:in `c'", "prog:12:in `<main>'"]
c(3)   #=> ["prog:13:in `<main>'"]
c(4)   #=> []
c(5)   #=> nil

Returns the result of applying a reducer to an initial value and the first element of the Enumerable. It then takes the result and applies the function to it and the second element of the collection, and so on. The return value is the result returned by the final call to the function.

You can think of

[ a, b, c, d ].inject(i) { |r, v| fn(r, v) }

as being

fn(fn(fn(fn(i, a), b), c), d)

In a way the inject function injects the function between the elements of the enumerable.

inject is aliased as reduce. You use it when you want to reduce a collection to a single value.

The Calling Sequences

Let’s start with the most verbose:

enum.inject(initial_value) do |result, next_value|
  # do something with +result+ and +next_value+
  # the value returned by the block becomes the
  # value passed in to the next iteration
  # as +result+

For example:

product = [ 2, 3, 4 ].inject(1) do |result, next_value|
  result * next_value
product #=> 24

When this runs, the block is first called with 1 (the initial value) and 2 (the first element of the array). The block returns 1*2, so on the next iteration the block is called with 2 (the previous result) and 3. The block returns 6, and is called one last time with 6 and 4. The result of the block, 24 becomes the value returned by inject. This code returns the product of the elements in the enumerable.

First Shortcut: Default Initial value

In the case of the previous example, the initial value, 1, wasn’t really necessary: the calculation of the product of a list of numbers is self-contained.

In these circumstances, you can omit the initial_value parameter. inject will then initially call the block with the first element of the collection as the result parameter and the second element as the next_value.

[ 2, 3, 4 ].inject do |result, next_value|
  result * next_value

This shortcut is convenient, but can only be used when the block produces a result which can be passed back to it as a first parameter.

Here’s an example where that’s not the case: it returns a hash where the keys are words and the values are the number of occurrences of that word in the enumerable.

freqs ="")
  .reduce( do |counts, word|
    counts[word] += 1
freqs #=> {"Actions"=>4,
           "com"=>15, ...

Note that the last line of the block is just the word counts. This ensures the return value of the block is the result that’s being calculated.

Second Shortcut: a Reducer function

A reducer function is a function that takes a partial result and the next value, returning the next partial result. The block that is given to inject is a reducer.

You can also write a reducer as a function and pass the name of that function (as a symbol) to inject. However, for this to work, the function

  1. Must be defined on the type of the result value

  2. Must accept a single parameter, the next value in the collection, and

  3. Must return an updated result which will also implement the function.

Here’s an example that adds elements to a string. The two calls invoke the functions String#concat and String#+ on the result so far, passing it the next value.

s = [ "cat", " ", "dog" ].inject("", :concat)
s #=> "cat dog"
s = [ "cat", " ", "dog" ].inject("The result is:", :+)
s #=> "The result is: cat dog"

Here’s a more complex example when the result object maintains state of a different type to the enumerable elements.

class Turtle

  def initialize
    @x = @y = 0

  def move(dir)
    case dir
    when "n" then @y += 1
    when "s" then @y -= 1
    when "e" then @x += 1
    when "w" then @x -= 1

position = "nnneesw".chars.reduce(, :move)
position  #=>> #<Turtle:0x00000001052f4698 @y=2, @x=1>

Third Shortcut: Reducer With no Initial Value

If your reducer returns a value that it can accept as a parameter, then you don’t have to pass in an initial value. Here :* is the name of the times function:

product = [ 2, 3, 4 ].inject(:*)
product # => 24

String concatenation again:

s = [ "cat", " ", "dog" ].inject(:+)
s #=> "cat dog"

And an example that converts a hash to an array of two-element subarrays.

nested = {foo: 0, bar: 1}.inject([], :push)
nested # => [[:foo, 0], [:bar, 1]]

When called with positive integer argument n and a block, calls the block with each element, then does so again, until it has done so n times; returns nil:

a = []
(1..4).cycle(3) {|element| a.push(element) } # => nil
a # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
a = []
('a'..'d').cycle(2) {|element| a.push(element) }
a # => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "b", "c", "d"]
a = []
{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.cycle(2) {|element| a.push(element) }
a # => [[:foo, 0], [:bar, 1], [:baz, 2], [:foo, 0], [:bar, 1], [:baz, 2]]

If count is zero or negative, does not call the block.

When called with a block and n is nil, cycles forever.

When no block is given, returns an Enumerator.

Returns a hash that contains filename as key and coverage array as value. If clear is true, it clears the counters to zero. If stop is true, it disables coverage measurement.

Dumps obj as a JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result.

The default options can be changed via method JSON.dump_default_options.

When argument io is not given, returns the JSON String generated from obj:

obj = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad}
json = JSON.dump(obj)
json # => "{\"foo\":[0,1],\"bar\":{\"baz\":2,\"bat\":3},\"bam\":\"bad\"}"

When argument io is given, writes the JSON String to io and returns io:

path = 't.json', 'w') do |file|
  JSON.dump(obj, file)
end # => #<File:t.json (closed)>



Dump the contents of a ruby object as JSON.

output can be one of: :stdout, :file, :string, or IO object.

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby. This is an experimental method and is subject to change. In particular, the function signature and output format are not guaranteed to be compatible in future versions of ruby.

Dump Ruby object o to a YAML string. Optional options may be passed in to control the output format. If an IO object is passed in, the YAML will be dumped to that IO object.

Currently supported options are:


Number of space characters used to indent. Acceptable value should be in 0..9 range, otherwise option is ignored.

Default: 2.


Max character to wrap line at.

Default: 0 (meaning “wrap at 81”).


Write “canonical” YAML form (very verbose, yet strictly formal).

Default: false.


Write %YAML [version] at the beginning of document.

Default: false.


Dump symbol keys in Hash objects as string.

Default: false.


# Dump an array, get back a YAML string
Psych.dump(['a', 'b'])  # => "---\n- a\n- b\n"

# Dump an array to an IO object
Psych.dump(['a', 'b'],  # => #<StringIO:0x000001009d0890>

# Dump an array with indentation set
Psych.dump(['a', ['b']], indentation: 3) # => "---\n- a\n-  - b\n"

# Dump an array to an IO with indentation set
Psych.dump(['a', ['b']],, indentation: 3)

# Dump hash with symbol keys as string
Psych.dump({a: "b"}, stringify_names: true) # => "---\na: b\n"

Calculates Adler-32 checksum for string, and returns updated value of adler. If string is omitted, it returns the Adler-32 initial value. If adler is omitted, it assumes that the initial value is given to adler. If string is an IO instance, reads from the IO until the IO returns nil and returns Adler-32 of all read data.

Example usage:

require "zlib"

data = "foo"
puts "Adler32 checksum: #{Zlib.adler32(data).to_s(16)}"
#=> Adler32 checksum: 2820145

Returns true if the named file is readable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not readable by the effective user/group.

Returns true if the named file is writable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not writable by the effective user/group.

Returns true if the named file is executable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Windows does not support execute permissions separately from read permissions. On Windows, a file is only considered executable if it ends in .bat, .cmd, .com, or .exe.

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not executable by the effective user/group.

Returns true if the named file exists and is a regular file.

file can be an IO object.

If the file argument is a symbolic link, it will resolve the symbolic link and use the file referenced by the link.

Enables garbage collection, returning true if garbage collection was previously disabled.

GC.disable   #=> false
GC.enable    #=> true
GC.enable    #=> false

Disables garbage collection, returning true if garbage collection was already disabled.

GC.disable   #=> false
GC.disable   #=> true

Returns true if the file at path new is newer than all the files at paths in array old_list; false otherwise.

Argument new and the elements of old_list should be interpretable as paths:

FileUtils.uptodate?('Rakefile', ['Gemfile', '']) # => true
FileUtils.uptodate?('Gemfile', ['Rakefile', '']) # => false

A non-existent file is considered to be infinitely old.

Related: FileUtils.touch.

Returns true if the file at path new is newer than all the files at paths in array old_list; false otherwise.

Argument new and the elements of old_list should be interpretable as paths:

FileUtils.uptodate?('Rakefile', ['Gemfile', '']) # => true
FileUtils.uptodate?('Gemfile', ['Rakefile', '']) # => false

A non-existent file is considered to be infinitely old.

Related: FileUtils.touch.

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