Raises when a switch with mandatory argument has no argument.
Raises when the given argument does not match required format.
Represents assigning to a class variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.
@@target += value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents assigning to a constant using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.
Target += value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents assigning to a global variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.
$target += value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents assigning to an instance variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.
@target += value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents assigning to a local variable using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.
target += value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This visitor walks through the tree and copies each node as it is being visited. This is useful for consumers that want to mutate the tree, as you can change subtrees in place without effecting the rest of the tree.
Represents a set of arguments to a method or a keyword.
return foo, bar, baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents the use of an assignment operator on a call.
foo.bar += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents forwarding all arguments to this method to another method.
def foo(...) bar(...) ^^^ end
Represents the use of an assignment operator on a call to ‘[]`.
foo.bar[baz] += value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents a regular expression literal that contains interpolation.
/foo #{bar} baz/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents a string literal that contains interpolation.
"foo #{bar} baz" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents a symbol literal that contains interpolation.
:"foo #{bar} baz" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents an xstring literal that contains interpolation.
`foo #{bar} baz` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents using a lambda literal (not the lambda method call).
->(value) { value * 2 } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Represents a regular expression literal used in the predicate of a conditional to implicitly match against the last line read by an IO
if /foo/i then end ^^^^^^