Results for: "tally"

Dummy session storage class.

Implements session storage place holder. No actual storage will be done.

Raised when encoding is invalid.

Switch that can omit argument.

Tokens where state should be ignored used for :on_comment, :on_heredoc_end, :on_embexpr_end

An error class raised when dynamic parts are found while computing a constant path’s full name. For example: Foo::Bar::Baz -> does not raise because all parts of the constant path are simple constants var::Bar::Baz -> raises because the first part of the constant path is a local variable

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

A Resolv::LOC::Alt

No documentation available

A header for a tar file

TarReader reads tar files and allows iteration over their items

Allows writing of tar files

A LocalSpecification comes from a .gem file on the local filesystem.

No documentation available
No documentation available

The local source finds gems in the current directory for fulfilling dependencies.

An absolutely silent IO.

For detail, see the MSDN.

— HKEY_*

Predefined key ((*handle*)).
These are Integer, not Win32::Registry.

— REG_*

Registry value type.

— KEY_*

Security access mask.


Key options.



If the key is created newly or opened existing key.
See also Registry#disposition method.
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

“no-default-alpn” SvcParam – No support for default protocol

No documentation available
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