Results for: "Pathname"

fatal is an Exception that is raised when Ruby has encountered a fatal error and must exit.

Raised when a signal is received.

  sleep # wait for receiver to handle signal sent by Process.kill
rescue SignalException => e
  puts "received Exception #{e}"


received Exception SIGHUP

Raised when the arguments are wrong and there isn’t a more specific Exception class.

Ex: passing the wrong number of arguments

[1, 2, 3].first(4, 5)

raises the exception:

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

Ex: passing an argument that is not acceptable:

[1, 2, 3].first(-4)

raises the exception:

ArgumentError: negative array size

Raised when a feature is not implemented on the current platform. For example, methods depending on the fsync or fork system calls may raise this exception if the underlying operating system or Ruby runtime does not support them.

Note that if fork raises a NotImplementedError, then respond_to?(:fork) returns false.

A generic error class raised when an invalid operation is attempted. Kernel#raise will raise a RuntimeError if no Exception class is specified.

raise "ouch"

raises the exception:

RuntimeError: ouch

Raised when memory allocation fails.

Class Date provides methods for storing and manipulating calendar dates.

Consider using class Time instead of class Date if:

A Date object, once created, is immutable, and cannot be modified.

Creating a Date

You can create a date for the current date, using # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>

You can create a specific date from various combinations of arguments:

See also the specialized methods in “Specialized Format Strings” in Formats for Dates and Times

Argument limit

Certain singleton methods in Date that parse string arguments also take optional keyword argument limit, which can limit the length of the string argument.

When limit is:

A Time object represents a date and time:, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 -0600

Although its value can be expressed as a single numeric (see Epoch Seconds below), it can be convenient to deal with the value by parts:

t =, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.0)
# => -2000-01-01 00:00:00 -0600
t.year # => -2000
t.month # => 1
t.mday # => 1
t.hour # => 0
t.min # => 0
t.sec # => 0
t.subsec # => 0

t =, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59.5)
# => 2000-12-31 23:59:59.5 -0600
t.year # => 2000
t.month # => 12
t.mday # => 31
t.hour # => 23
t.min # => 59
t.sec # => 59
t.subsec # => (1/2)

Epoch Seconds

Epoch seconds is the exact number of seconds (including fractional subseconds) since the Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970.

You can retrieve that value exactly using method Time.to_r:        # => (0/1) # => (9007190247541737/9007199254740992)

Other retrieval methods such as Time#to_i and Time#to_f may return a value that rounds or truncates subseconds.

Time Resolution

A Time object derived from the system clock (for example, by method has the resolution supported by the system.


All of these examples were done using the EST timezone which is GMT-5.

Creating a New Time Instance

You can create a new instance of Time with This will use the current system time. is an alias for this. You can also pass parts of the time to such as year, month, minute, etc. When you want to construct a time this way you must pass at least a year. If you pass the year with nothing else time will default to January 1 of that year at 00:00:00 with the current system timezone. Here are some examples:         #=> 2002-01-01 00:00:00 -0500, 10)     #=> 2002-10-01 00:00:00 -0500, 10, 31) #=> 2002-10-31 00:00:00 -0500

You can pass a UTC offset:, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, "+02:00") #=> 2002-10-31 02:02:02 +0200

Or a timezone object:

zone = timezone("Europe/Athens")      # Eastern European Time, UTC+2, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, zone) #=> 2002-10-31 02:02:02 +0200

You can also use Time.local and Time.utc to infer local and UTC timezones instead of using the current system setting.

You can also create a new time using which takes the number of seconds (with subsecond) since the Unix Epoch. #=> 1989-11-28 00:00:00 -0500

Working with an Instance of Time

Once you have an instance of Time there is a multitude of things you can do with it. Below are some examples. For all of the following examples, we will work on the assumption that you have done the following:

t =, 02, 24, 12, 0, 0, "+09:00")

Was that a monday?

t.monday? #=> false

What year was that again?

t.year #=> 1993

Was it daylight savings at the time?

t.dst? #=> false

What’s the day a year later?

t + (60*60*24*365) #=> 1994-02-24 12:00:00 +0900

How many seconds was that since the Unix Epoch?

t.to_i #=> 730522800

You can also do standard functions like compare two times.

t1 =
t2 =

t1 == t2 #=> false
t1 == t1 #=> true
t1 <  t2 #=> true
t1 >  t2 #=> false,10,31).between?(t1, t2) #=> true

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class Time:

Here, class Time provides methods that are useful for:

Methods for Creating

Methods for Fetching

Methods for Querying

Methods for Comparing

Methods for Converting

Methods for Rounding

For the forms of argument zone, see Timezone Specifiers.

Timezone Specifiers

Certain Time methods accept arguments that specify timezones:

The value given with any of these must be one of the following (each detailed below):

Hours/Minutes Offsets

The zone value may be a string offset from UTC in the form '+HH:MM' or '-HH:MM', where:


t = Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 20, 15, 1) # => 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC, in: '-23:59')            # => 1999-12-31 20:16:01 -2359, in: '+23:59')            # => 2000-01-02 20:14:01 +2359

Single-Letter Offsets

The zone value may be a letter in the range 'A'..'I' or 'K'..'Z'; see List of military time zones:

t = Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 20, 15, 1) # => 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC, in: 'A')                 # => 2000-01-01 21:15:01 +0100, in: 'I')                 # => 2000-01-02 05:15:01 +0900, in: 'K')                 # => 2000-01-02 06:15:01 +1000, in: 'Y')                 # => 2000-01-01 08:15:01 -1200, in: 'Z')                 # => 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC

Integer Offsets

The zone value may be an integer number of seconds in the range -86399..86399:

t = Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 20, 15, 1) # => 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC, in: -86399)              # => 1999-12-31 20:15:02 -235959, in: 86399)               # => 2000-01-02 20:15:00 +235959

Timezone Objects

The zone value may be an object responding to certain timezone methods, an instance of Timezone and TZInfo for example.

The timezone methods are:

A custom timezone class may have these instance methods, which will be called if defined:

Time-Like Objects

A Time-like object is a container object capable of interfacing with timezone libraries for timezone conversion.

The argument to the timezone conversion methods above will have attributes similar to Time, except that timezone related attributes are meaningless.

The objects returned by local_to_utc and utc_to_local methods of the timezone object may be of the same class as their arguments, of arbitrary object classes, or of class Integer.

For a returned class other than Integer, the class must have the following methods:

For a returned Integer, its components, decomposed in UTC, are interpreted as times in the specified timezone.

Timezone Names

If the class (the receiver of class methods, or the class of the receiver of instance methods) has find_timezone singleton method, this method is called to achieve the corresponding timezone object from a timezone name.

For example, using Timezone:

class TimeWithTimezone < Time
  require 'timezone'
  def self.find_timezone(z) = Timezone[z]
end "America/New_York")        #=> 2023-12-25 00:00:00 -0500"2023-12-25 America/New_York") #=> 2023-12-25 00:00:00 -0500

Or, using TZInfo:

class TimeWithTZInfo < Time
  require 'tzinfo'
  def self.find_timezone(z) = TZInfo::Timezone.get(z)
end "America/New_York")          #=> 2023-12-25 00:00:00 -0500"2023-12-25 America/New_York")   #=> 2023-12-25 00:00:00 -0500

You can define this method per subclasses, or on the toplevel Time class.

Raised when OLE processing failed.


obj ="NonExistProgID")

raises the exception:

WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown OLE server: `NonExistProgID'
    HRESULT error code:0x800401f3
      Invalid class string

This library provides three different ways to delegate method calls to an object. The easiest to use is SimpleDelegator. Pass an object to the constructor and all methods supported by the object will be delegated. This object can be changed later.

Going a step further, the top level DelegateClass method allows you to easily setup delegation through class inheritance. This is considerably more flexible and thus probably the most common use for this library.

Finally, if you need full control over the delegation scheme, you can inherit from the abstract class Delegator and customize as needed. (If you find yourself needing this control, have a look at Forwardable which is also in the standard library. It may suit your needs better.)

SimpleDelegator’s implementation serves as a nice example of the use of Delegator:

require 'delegate'

class SimpleDelegator < Delegator
  def __getobj__
    @delegate_sd_obj # return object we are delegating to, required

  def __setobj__(obj)
    @delegate_sd_obj = obj # change delegation object,
                           # a feature we're providing


Be advised, RDoc will not detect delegated methods.

A concrete implementation of Delegator, this class provides the means to delegate all supported method calls to the object passed into the constructor and even to change the object being delegated to at a later time with __setobj__.

class User
  def born_on, 9, 10)

require 'delegate'

class UserDecorator < SimpleDelegator
  def birth_year

decorated_user =
decorated_user.birth_year  #=> 1989
decorated_user.__getobj__  #=> #<User: ...>

A SimpleDelegator instance can take advantage of the fact that SimpleDelegator is a subclass of Delegator to call super to have methods called on the object being delegated to.

class SuperArray < SimpleDelegator
  def [](*args)
    super + 1
end[1])[0]  #=> 2

Here’s a simple example that takes advantage of the fact that SimpleDelegator’s delegation object can be changed at any time.

class Stats
  def initialize
    @source =[])

  def stats(records)

    "Elements:  #{@source.size}\n" +
    " Non-Nil:  #{@source.compact.size}\n" +
    "  Unique:  #{@source.uniq.size}\n"

s =
puts s.stats(%w{James Edward Gray II})
puts s.stats([1, 2, 3, nil, 4, 5, 1, 2])


Elements:  4
 Non-Nil:  4
  Unique:  4

Elements:  8
 Non-Nil:  7
  Unique:  6

IPAddr provides a set of methods to manipulate an IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.


require 'ipaddr'

ipaddr1 = "3ffe:505:2::1"

p ipaddr1                   #=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>

p ipaddr1.to_s              #=> "3ffe:505:2::1"

ipaddr2 = ipaddr1.mask(48)  #=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000>

p ipaddr2.to_s              #=> "3ffe:505:2::"

ipaddr3 = ""

p ipaddr3                   #=> #<IPAddr: IPv4:>


New to OptionParser?

See the Tutorial.


OptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis. It is much more advanced, yet also easier to use, than GetoptLong, and is a more Ruby-oriented solution.


  1. The argument specification and the code to handle it are written in the same place.

  2. It can output an option summary; you don’t need to maintain this string separately.

  3. Optional and mandatory arguments are specified very gracefully.

  4. Arguments can be automatically converted to a specified class.

  5. Arguments can be restricted to a certain set.

All of these features are demonstrated in the examples below. See make_switch for full documentation.

Minimal example

require 'optparse'

options = {} do |parser|
  parser.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"

  parser.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v|
    options[:verbose] = v

p options

Generating Help

OptionParser can be used to automatically generate help for the commands you write:

require 'optparse'

Options =

class Parser
  def self.parse(options)
    args ="world")

    opt_parser = do |parser|
      parser.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"

      parser.on("-nNAME", "--name=NAME", "Name to say hello to") do |n| = n

      parser.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do
        puts parser

    return args
options = Parser.parse %w[--help]

   # Usage: example.rb [options]
   #     -n, --name=NAME                  Name to say hello to
   #     -h, --help                       Prints this help

Required Arguments

For options that require an argument, option specification strings may include an option name in all caps. If an option is used without the required argument, an exception will be raised.

require 'optparse'

options = {} do |parser|
  parser.on("-r", "--require LIBRARY",
            "Require the LIBRARY before executing your script") do |lib|
    puts "You required #{lib}!"


$ ruby optparse-test.rb -r
optparse-test.rb:9:in `<main>': missing argument: -r (OptionParser::MissingArgument)
$ ruby optparse-test.rb -r my-library
You required my-library!

Type Coercion

OptionParser supports the ability to coerce command line arguments into objects for us.

OptionParser comes with a few ready-to-use kinds of type coercion. They are:

We can also add our own coercions, which we will cover below.

Using Built-in Conversions

As an example, the built-in Time conversion is used. The other built-in conversions behave in the same way. OptionParser will attempt to parse the argument as a Time. If it succeeds, that time will be passed to the handler block. Otherwise, an exception will be raised.

require 'optparse'
require 'optparse/time' do |parser|
  parser.on("-t", "--time [TIME]", Time, "Begin execution at given time") do |time|
    p time


$ ruby optparse-test.rb  -t nonsense
... invalid argument: -t nonsense (OptionParser::InvalidArgument)
$ ruby optparse-test.rb  -t 10-11-12
2010-11-12 00:00:00 -0500
$ ruby optparse-test.rb  -t 9:30
2014-08-13 09:30:00 -0400

Creating Custom Conversions

The accept method on OptionParser may be used to create converters. It specifies which conversion block to call whenever a class is specified. The example below uses it to fetch a User object before the on handler receives it.

require 'optparse'

User =, :name)

def find_user id
  not_found = ->{ raise "No User Found for id #{id}" }
  [, "Sam"),, "Gandalf") ].find(not_found) do |u| == id

op =
op.accept(User) do |user_id|
  find_user user_id.to_i

op.on("--user ID", User) do |user|
  puts user



$ ruby optparse-test.rb --user 1
#<struct User id=1, name="Sam">
$ ruby optparse-test.rb --user 2
#<struct User id=2, name="Gandalf">
$ ruby optparse-test.rb --user 3
optparse-test.rb:15:in `block in find_user': No User Found for id 3 (RuntimeError)

Store options to a Hash

The into option of order, parse and so on methods stores command line options into a Hash.

require 'optparse'

options = {} do |parser|
  parser.on('-b NUM', Integer)
  parser.on('-v', '--verbose')
end.parse!(into: options)

p options


$ ruby optparse-test.rb -a
$ ruby optparse-test.rb -a -v
{:a=>true, :verbose=>true}
$ ruby optparse-test.rb -a -b 100
{:a=>true, :b=>100}

Complete example

The following example is a complete Ruby program. You can run it and see the effect of specifying various options. This is probably the best way to learn the features of optparse.

require 'optparse'
require 'optparse/time'
require 'ostruct'
require 'pp'

class OptparseExample
  Version = '1.0.0'

  CODES = %w[iso-2022-jp shift_jis euc-jp utf8 binary]
  CODE_ALIASES = { "jis" => "iso-2022-jp", "sjis" => "shift_jis" }

  class ScriptOptions
    attr_accessor :library, :inplace, :encoding, :transfer_type,
                  :verbose, :extension, :delay, :time, :record_separator,

    def initialize
      self.library = []
      self.inplace = false
      self.encoding = "utf8"
      self.transfer_type = :auto
      self.verbose = false

    def define_options(parser)
      parser.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"
      parser.separator ""
      parser.separator "Specific options:"

      # add additional options

      parser.separator ""
      parser.separator "Common options:"
      # No argument, shows at tail.  This will print an options summary.
      # Try it and see!
      parser.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
        puts parser
      # Another typical switch to print the version.
      parser.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do
        puts Version

    def perform_inplace_option(parser)
      # Specifies an optional option argument
      parser.on("-i", "--inplace [EXTENSION]",
                "Edit ARGV files in place",
                "(make backup if EXTENSION supplied)") do |ext|
        self.inplace = true
        self.extension = ext || ''
        self.extension.sub!(/\A\.?(?=.)/, ".")  # Ensure extension begins with dot.

    def delay_execution_option(parser)
      # Cast 'delay' argument to a Float.
      parser.on("--delay N", Float, "Delay N seconds before executing") do |n|
        self.delay = n

    def execute_at_time_option(parser)
      # Cast 'time' argument to a Time object.
      parser.on("-t", "--time [TIME]", Time, "Begin execution at given time") do |time|
        self.time = time

    def specify_record_separator_option(parser)
      # Cast to octal integer.
      parser.on("-F", "--irs [OCTAL]", OptionParser::OctalInteger,
                "Specify record separator (default \\0)") do |rs|
        self.record_separator = rs

    def list_example_option(parser)
      # List of arguments.
      parser.on("--list x,y,z", Array, "Example 'list' of arguments") do |list|
        self.list = list

    def specify_encoding_option(parser)
      # Keyword completion.  We are specifying a specific set of arguments (CODES
      # and CODE_ALIASES - notice the latter is a Hash), and the user may provide
      # the shortest unambiguous text.
      code_list = (CODE_ALIASES.keys + CODES).join(', ')
      parser.on("--code CODE", CODES, CODE_ALIASES, "Select encoding",
                "(#{code_list})") do |encoding|
        self.encoding = encoding

    def optional_option_argument_with_keyword_completion_option(parser)
      # Optional '--type' option argument with keyword completion.
      parser.on("--type [TYPE]", [:text, :binary, :auto],
                "Select transfer type (text, binary, auto)") do |t|
        self.transfer_type = t

    def boolean_verbose_option(parser)
      # Boolean switch.
      parser.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v|
        self.verbose = v

  # Return a structure describing the options.
  def parse(args)
    # The options specified on the command line will be collected in
    # *options*.

    @options =
    @args = do |parser|

  attr_reader :parser, :options
end  # class OptparseExample

example =
options = example.parse(ARGV)
pp options # example.options

Shell Completion

For modern shells (e.g. bash, zsh, etc.), you can use shell completion for command line options.

Further documentation

The above examples, along with the accompanying Tutorial, should be enough to learn how to use this class. If you have any questions, file a ticket at

Class Data provides a convenient way to define simple classes for value-alike objects.

The simplest example of usage:

Measure = Data.define(:amount, :unit)

# Positional arguments constructor is provided
distance =, 'km')
#=> #<data Measure amount=100, unit="km">

# Keyword arguments constructor is provided
weight = 50, unit: 'kg')
#=> #<data Measure amount=50, unit="kg">

# Alternative form to construct an object:
speed = Measure[10, 'mPh']
#=> #<data Measure amount=10, unit="mPh">

# Works with keyword arguments, too:
area = Measure[amount: 1.5, unit: 'm^2']
#=> #<data Measure amount=1.5, unit="m^2">

# Argument accessors are provided:
distance.amount #=> 100
distance.unit #=> "km"

Constructed object also has a reasonable definitions of == operator, to_h hash conversion, and deconstruct / deconstruct_keys to be used in pattern matching.

::define method accepts an optional block and evaluates it in the context of the newly defined class. That allows to define additional methods:

Measure = Data.define(:amount, :unit) do
  def <=>(other)
    return unless other.is_a?(self.class) && other.unit == unit
    amount <=> other.amount

  include Comparable

Measure[3, 'm'] < Measure[5, 'm'] #=> true
Measure[3, 'm'] < Measure[5, 'kg']
# comparison of Measure with Measure failed (ArgumentError)

Data provides no member writers, or enumerators: it is meant to be a storage for immutable atomic values. But note that if some of data members is of a mutable class, Data does no additional immutability enforcement:

Event = Data.define(:time, :weekdays)
event ='18:00', %w[Tue Wed Fri])
#=> #<data Event time="18:00", weekdays=["Tue", "Wed", "Fri"]>

# There is no #time= or #weekdays= accessors, but changes are
# still possible:
event.weekdays << 'Sat'
#=> #<data Event time="18:00", weekdays=["Tue", "Wed", "Fri", "Sat"]>

See also Struct, which is a similar concept, but has more container-alike API, allowing to change contents of the object and enumerate it.

Raised when attempting to convert special float values (in particular Infinity or NaN) to numerical classes which don’t support them.

Float::INFINITY.to_r   #=> FloatDomainError: Infinity

ThreadGroup provides a means of keeping track of a number of threads as a group.

A given Thread object can only belong to one ThreadGroup at a time; adding a thread to a new group will remove it from any previous group.

Newly created threads belong to the same group as the thread from which they were created.

Raised when an invalid operation is attempted on a thread.

For example, when no other thread has been started:


This will raises the following exception:

ThreadError: stopping only thread
note: use sleep to stop forever

Threads are the Ruby implementation for a concurrent programming model.

Programs that require multiple threads of execution are a perfect candidate for Ruby’s Thread class.

For example, we can create a new thread separate from the main thread’s execution using ::new.

thr = { puts "What's the big deal" }

Then we are able to pause the execution of the main thread and allow our new thread to finish, using join:

thr.join #=> "What's the big deal"

If we don’t call thr.join before the main thread terminates, then all other threads including thr will be killed.

Alternatively, you can use an array for handling multiple threads at once, like in the following example:

threads = []
threads << { puts "What's the big deal" }
threads << { 3.times { puts "Threads are fun!" } }

After creating a few threads we wait for them all to finish consecutively.

threads.each { |thr| thr.join }

To retrieve the last value of a thread, use value

thr = { sleep 1; "Useful value" }
thr.value #=> "Useful value"

Thread initialization

In order to create new threads, Ruby provides ::new, ::start, and ::fork. A block must be provided with each of these methods, otherwise a ThreadError will be raised.

When subclassing the Thread class, the initialize method of your subclass will be ignored by ::start and ::fork. Otherwise, be sure to call super in your initialize method.

Thread termination

For terminating threads, Ruby provides a variety of ways to do this.

The class method ::kill, is meant to exit a given thread:

thr = { sleep }
Thread.kill(thr) # sends exit() to thr

Alternatively, you can use the instance method exit, or any of its aliases kill or terminate.


Thread status

Ruby provides a few instance methods for querying the state of a given thread. To get a string with the current thread’s state use status

thr = { sleep }
thr.status # => "sleep"
thr.status # => false

You can also use alive? to tell if the thread is running or sleeping, and stop? if the thread is dead or sleeping.

Thread variables and scope

Since threads are created with blocks, the same rules apply to other Ruby blocks for variable scope. Any local variables created within this block are accessible to only this thread.

Fiber-local vs. Thread-local

Each fiber has its own bucket for Thread#[] storage. When you set a new fiber-local it is only accessible within this Fiber. To illustrate: {
  Thread.current[:foo] = "bar" {
    p Thread.current[:foo] # => nil

This example uses [] for getting and []= for setting fiber-locals, you can also use keys to list the fiber-locals for a given thread and key? to check if a fiber-local exists.

When it comes to thread-locals, they are accessible within the entire scope of the thread. Given the following example:{
  Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:foo, 1)
  p Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:foo) # => 1{
    Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:foo, 2)
    p Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:foo) # => 2
  p Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:foo)   # => 2

You can see that the thread-local :foo carried over into the fiber and was changed to 2 by the end of the thread.

This example makes use of thread_variable_set to create new thread-locals, and thread_variable_get to reference them.

There is also thread_variables to list all thread-locals, and thread_variable? to check if a given thread-local exists.

Exception handling

When an unhandled exception is raised inside a thread, it will terminate. By default, this exception will not propagate to other threads. The exception is stored and when another thread calls value or join, the exception will be re-raised in that thread.

t ={ raise 'something went wrong' }
t.value #=> RuntimeError: something went wrong

An exception can be raised from outside the thread using the Thread#raise instance method, which takes the same parameters as Kernel#raise.

Setting Thread.abort_on_exception = true, Thread#abort_on_exception = true, or $DEBUG = true will cause a subsequent unhandled exception raised in a thread to be automatically re-raised in the main thread.

With the addition of the class method ::handle_interrupt, you can now handle exceptions asynchronously with threads.


Ruby provides a few ways to support scheduling threads in your program.

The first way is by using the class method ::stop, to put the current running thread to sleep and schedule the execution of another thread.

Once a thread is asleep, you can use the instance method wakeup to mark your thread as eligible for scheduling.

You can also try ::pass, which attempts to pass execution to another thread but is dependent on the OS whether a running thread will switch or not. The same goes for priority, which lets you hint to the thread scheduler which threads you want to take precedence when passing execution. This method is also dependent on the OS and may be ignored on some platforms.

Raised when throw is called with a tag which does not have corresponding catch block.

throw "foo", "bar"

raises the exception:

UncaughtThrowError: uncaught throw "foo"

The Comparable mixin is used by classes whose objects may be ordered. The class must define the <=> operator, which compares the receiver against another object, returning a value less than 0, returning 0, or returning a value greater than 0, depending on whether the receiver is less than, equal to, or greater than the other object. If the other object is not comparable then the <=> operator should return nil. Comparable uses <=> to implement the conventional comparison operators (<, <=, ==, >=, and >) and the method between?.

class StringSorter
  include Comparable

  attr :str
  def <=>(other)
    str.size <=> other.str.size

  def initialize(str)
    @str = str

  def inspect

s1 ="Z")
s2 ="YY")
s3 ="XXX")
s4 ="WWWW")
s5 ="VVVVV")

s1 < s2                       #=> true
s4.between?(s1, s3)           #=> false
s4.between?(s3, s5)           #=> true
[ s3, s2, s5, s4, s1 ].sort   #=> [Z, YY, XXX, WWWW, VVVVV]

What’s Here

Module Comparable provides these methods, all of which use method <=>:

What’s Here

Module Enumerable provides methods that are useful to a collection class for:

Methods for Querying

These methods return information about the Enumerable other than the elements themselves:

Methods for Fetching

These methods return entries from the Enumerable, without modifying it:

Leading, trailing, or all elements:

Minimum and maximum value elements:

Groups, slices, and partitions:

Methods for Searching and Filtering

These methods return elements that meet a specified criterion:

Methods for Sorting

These methods return elements in sorted order:

Methods for Iterating

Other Methods


To use module Enumerable in a collection class:


class Foo
  include Enumerable
  def each
    yield 1
    yield 1, 2
end{ |element| p element }


[1, 2]

Enumerable in Ruby Classes

These Ruby core classes include (or extend) Enumerable:

These Ruby standard library classes include Enumerable:

Virtually all methods in Enumerable call method #each in the including class:

About the Examples

The example code snippets for the Enumerable methods:

The objspace library extends the ObjectSpace module and adds several methods to get internal statistic information about object/memory management.

You need to require 'objspace' to use this extension module.

Generally, you SHOULD NOT use this library if you do not know about the MRI implementation. Mainly, this library is for (memory) profiler developers and MRI developers who need to know about MRI memory usage.

The ObjectSpace module contains a number of routines that interact with the garbage collection facility and allow you to traverse all living objects with an iterator.

ObjectSpace also provides support for object finalizers, procs that will be called when a specific object is about to be destroyed by garbage collection. See the documentation for ObjectSpace.define_finalizer for important information on how to use this method correctly.

a = "A"
b = "B"

ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(a, proc {|id| puts "Finalizer one on #{id}" })
ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(b, proc {|id| puts "Finalizer two on #{id}" })

a = nil
b = nil


Finalizer two on 537763470
Finalizer one on 537763480

The DidYouMean gem adds functionality to suggest possible method/class names upon errors such as NameError and NoMethodError. In Ruby 2.3 or later, it is automatically activated during startup.


# => NameError: undefined local variable or method `methosd' for main:Object
#   Did you mean?  methods
#                  method

# => NameError: uninitialized constant OBject
#    Did you mean?  Object

@full_name = "Yuki Nishijima"
first_name, last_name = full_name.split(" ")
# => NameError: undefined local variable or method `full_name' for main:Object
#    Did you mean?  @full_name

@@full_name = "Yuki Nishijima"
# => NameError: uninitialized class variable @@full_anme in Object
#    Did you mean?  @@full_name

full_name = "Yuki Nishijima"
# => NoMethodError: undefined method `starts_with?' for "Yuki Nishijima":String
#    Did you mean?  start_with?

hash = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}
# => KeyError: key not found: :fooo
#    Did you mean?  :foo

Disabling did_you_mean

Occasionally, you may want to disable the did_you_mean gem for e.g. debugging issues in the error object itself. You can disable it entirely by specifying --disable-did_you_mean option to the ruby command:

$ ruby --disable-did_you_mean -e "1.zeor?"
-e:1:in `<main>': undefined method `zeor?' for 1:Integer (NameError)

When you do not have direct access to the ruby command (e.g. +rails console+, irb), you could applyoptions using the RUBYOPT environment variable:

$ RUBYOPT='--disable-did_you_mean' irb
irb:0> 1.zeor?
# => NoMethodError (undefined method `zeor?' for 1:Integer)

Getting the original error message

Sometimes, you do not want to disable the gem entirely, but need to get the original error message without suggestions (e.g. testing). In this case, you could use the #original_message method on the error object:

no_method_error = begin
                  rescue NoMethodError => error

# => NoMethodError (undefined method `zeor?' for 1:Integer)
#    Did you mean?  zero?

# => NoMethodError (undefined method `zeor?' for 1:Integer)

Timeout long-running blocks


require 'timeout'
status = Timeout::timeout(5) {
  # Something that should be interrupted if it takes more than 5 seconds...


Timeout provides a way to auto-terminate a potentially long-running operation if it hasn’t finished in a fixed amount of time.

Previous versions didn’t use a module for namespacing, however timeout is provided for backwards compatibility. You should prefer Timeout.timeout instead.


© 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.


© 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan

YAML Ain’t Markup Language

This module provides a Ruby interface for data serialization in YAML format.

The YAML module is an alias of Psych, the YAML engine for Ruby.


Working with YAML can be very simple, for example:

require 'yaml'
# Parse a YAML string
YAML.load("--- foo") #=> "foo"

# Emit some YAML
YAML.dump("foo")     # => "--- foo\n...\n"
{ :a => 'b'}.to_yaml  # => "---\n:a: b\n"

As the implementation is provided by the Psych library, detailed documentation can be found in that library’s docs (also part of standard library).


Do not use YAML to load untrusted data. Doing so is unsafe and could allow malicious input to execute arbitrary code inside your application. Please see doc/security.rdoc for more information.


Syck was the original YAML implementation in Ruby’s standard library developed by why the lucky stiff.

You can still use Syck, if you prefer, for parsing and emitting YAML, but you must install the ‘syck’ gem now in order to use it.

In older Ruby versions, ie. <= 1.9, Syck is still provided, however it was completely removed with the release of Ruby 2.0.0.

More info

For more advanced details on the implementation see Psych, and also check out for spec details and other helpful information.

Psych is maintained by Aaron Patterson on github:

Syck can also be found on github:

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