Results for: "minmax"

def contains_splat?: () -> bool

def begin_keyword: () -> String?

def inheritance_operator: () -> String?

def in_keyword: () -> String

def multi_line?: () -> bool

def windows_31j?: () -> bool

def multi_line?: () -> bool

def windows_31j?: () -> bool

def multi_line?: () -> bool

def windows_31j?: () -> bool

def multi_line?: () -> bool

def windows_31j?: () -> bool

def begin_modifier?: () -> bool

def begin_modifier?: () -> bool

Return the byte offset of the start of the line corresponding to the given byte offset.

The line number where this location starts.

The line number where this location ends.

Implement the pretty print interface for Location.

Implement the pretty print interface for Token.

Shortcut for combining two procs into one that returns true if both return true.

Shortcut for combining two procs into one that returns true if either returns true.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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