Results for: "tally"

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator for assignment to a local variable.

target ||= value

Represents reading a local variable. Note that this requires that a local variable of the same name has already been written to in the same scope, otherwise it is parsed as a method call.


Represents writing to a local variable.

foo = 1

Represents a multi-target expression.

a, (b, c) = 1, 2, 3

Represents an optional keyword parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.

def a(b: 1)

Represents an optional parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.

def a(b = 1)

Represents a rational number literal.


Represents a set of statements contained within some scope.

foo; bar; baz
No documentation available
No documentation available

Raised when a hash-based tuple has an invalid key.

No documentation available

Potentially raised when a specification is validated.

Create a package based upon a Gem::Specification. Gem packages, as well as zip files and tar/gzipped packages can be produced by this task.

In addition to the Rake targets generated by Rake::PackageTask, a Gem::PackageTask will also generate the following tasks:


Create a RubyGems package with the given name and version.

Example using a Gem::Specification:

require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/package_task'

spec = do |s|
  s.summary = "Ruby based make-like utility." = 'rake'
  s.version = PKG_VERSION
  s.requirements << 'none'
  s.files = PKG_FILES
  s.description = <<-EOF
Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks
and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.
end do |pkg|
  pkg.need_zip = true
  pkg.need_tar = true
No documentation available
No documentation available

Validator performs various gem file and gem database validation

Used for formatting invalid blocks

Explains syntax errors based on their source


source = "def foo; puts 'lol'" # Note missing end
  code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
# => "Unmatched keyword, missing `end' ?"

When the error cannot be determined by lexical counting then the parser is run against the input and the raw errors are returned.


source = "1 * " # Note missing a second number
  code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
# => "syntax error, unexpected end-of-input"

Value object for accessing lex values

This lex:

[1, 0], :on_ident, "describe", CMDARG

Would translate into:

lex.line # => 1
lex.type # => :on_indent
lex.token # => "describe"

Not a URI.

Not a URI component.

A Process::Status contains information about a system process.

Thread-local variable $? is initially nil. Some methods assign to it a Process::Status object that represents a system process (either running or terminated):

`ruby -e "exit 99"`
stat = $?       # => #<Process::Status: pid 1262862 exit 99>
stat.class      # => Process::Status
stat.to_i       # => 25344
stat.stopped?   # => false
stat.exited?    # => true
stat.exitstatus # => 99

Raised by Encoding and String methods when the string being transcoded contains a byte invalid for the either the source or target encoding.

AbstractSyntaxTree provides methods to parse Ruby code into abstract syntax trees. The nodes in the tree are instances of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node.

This module is MRI specific as it exposes implementation details of the MRI abstract syntax tree.

This module is experimental and its API is not stable, therefore it might change without notice. As examples, the order of children nodes is not guaranteed, the number of children nodes might change, there is no way to access children nodes by name, etc.

If you are looking for a stable API or an API working under multiple Ruby implementations, consider using the parser gem or Ripper. If you would like to make RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree stable, please join the discussion at

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