Results for: "match"

Returns an array of values from self.

With integer arguments integers given, returns an array containing each value given by one of integers:

Customer =, :address, :zip)
joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.values_at(0, 2)    # => ["Joe Smith", 12345]
joe.values_at(2, 0)    # => [12345, "Joe Smith"]
joe.values_at(2, 1, 0) # => [12345, "123 Maple, Anytown NC", "Joe Smith"]
joe.values_at(0, -3)   # => ["Joe Smith", "Joe Smith"]

Raises IndexError if any of integers is out of range; see Array Indexes at Array.

With integer range argument integer_range given, returns an array containing each value given by the elements of the range; fills with nil values for range elements larger than the structure:

# => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]
# => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]
joe.values_at(1..4) # => ["123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345, nil, nil]

Raises RangeError if any element of the range is negative and out of range; see Array Indexes at Array.

See as_json.

Returns true if this class can be used to create an instance from a serialised JSON string. The class has to implement a class method json_create that expects a hash as first parameter. The hash should include the required data.

No documentation available

Iterates over each component of the path."/usr/bin/ruby").each_filename {|filename| ... }
  # yields "usr", "bin", and "ruby".

Returns an Enumerator if no block was given.

enum ="/usr/bin/ruby").each_filename
  # ... do stuff ...
enum.each { |e| ... }
  # yields "usr", "bin", and "ruby".

Return the path as a String.

to_path is implemented so Pathname objects are usable with, etc.

Iterates over each line in the file and yields a String object for each.

Creates a hard link at pathname.


Creates a symbolic link.

See File.symlink.

Returns the absolute path for the file.

See File.expand_path.

Iterates over the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory, yielding a Pathname object for each entry.

Returns true for IPv4 private address (,, It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv4-mapped IPv6 address (::ffff:0:0/80). It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv4-compatible IPv6 address (::/80). It returns false otherwise.

Returns the socket path as a string.

Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").unix_path       #=> "/tmp/sock"

Calls the block with each remaining line read from the stream; does nothing if already at end-of-file; returns self. See Line IO.

With a block given, calls the block with each remaining byte in the stream; see Byte IO.

With no block given, returns an enumerator.

With a block given, calls the block with each remaining codepoint in the stream; see Codepoint IO.

With no block given, returns an enumerator.

This returns the value that scan_until would return, without advancing the scan pointer. The match register is affected, though.

s ="Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
s.check_until /12/          # -> "Fri Dec 12"
s.pos                       # -> 0
s.matched                   # -> 12

Mnemonic: it “checks” to see whether a scan_until will return a value.

Scans the string until the pattern is matched. Advances the scan pointer if advance_pointer_p, otherwise not. Returns the matched string if return_string_p is true, otherwise returns the number of bytes advanced. This method does affect the match register.

Returns the subgroups in the most recent match at the given indices. If nothing was priorly matched, it returns nil.

s ="Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /)       # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2            # -> ["Fri Dec 12 ", "12", nil, "Dec"]
s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /)       # -> nil
s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2            # -> nil

Whether scanner uses fixed anchor mode or not.

If fixed anchor mode is used, \A always matches the beginning of the string. Otherwise, \A always matches the current position.

Creates GUID.

WIN32OLE.create_guid # => {1CB530F1-F6B1-404D-BCE6-1959BF91F4A8}

Calls the given block with each value; returns self:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.each_value {|value| puts value } # => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}



Returns a new Enumerator if no block given:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
e = h.each_value # => #<Enumerator: {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}:each_value>
h1 = e.each {|value| puts value }
h1 # => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}



Calls the given block with each key; returns self:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.each_key {|key| puts key }  # => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}



Returns a new Enumerator if no block given:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
e = h.each_key # => #<Enumerator: {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}:each_key>
h1 = e.each {|key| puts key }
h1 # => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}


Search took: 6ms  ·  Total Results: 2422