Results for: "minmax"

Formats and writes objects to the stream.

For details on format_string, see Format Specifications.

Returns the current line number of ARGF as a whole. This value can be set manually with ARGF.lineno=.

For example:

ARGF.lineno   #=> 0
ARGF.readline #=> "This is line 1\n"
ARGF.lineno   #=> 1

Sets the line number of ARGF as a whole to the given Integer.

ARGF sets the line number automatically as you read data, so normally you will not need to set it explicitly. To access the current line number use ARGF.lineno.

For example:

ARGF.lineno      #=> 0
ARGF.readline    #=> "This is line 1\n"
ARGF.lineno      #=> 1
ARGF.lineno = 0  #=> 0
ARGF.lineno      #=> 0

Returns “ARGF”.

Creates or retrieves cached CSV objects. For arguments and options, see

This API is not Ractor-safe.

With no block given, returns a CSV object.

The first call to instance creates and caches a CSV object:

s0 = 's0'
csv0 = CSV.instance(s0)
csv0.class # => CSV

Subsequent calls to instance with that same string or io retrieve that same cached object:

csv1 = CSV.instance(s0)
csv1.class # => CSV
csv1.equal?(csv0) # => true # Same CSV object

A subsequent call to instance with a different string or io creates and caches a different CSV object.

s1 = 's1'
csv2 = CSV.instance(s1)
csv2.equal?(csv0) # => false # Different CSV object

All the cached objects remains available:

csv3 = CSV.instance(s0)
csv3.equal?(csv0) # true # Same CSV object
csv4 = CSV.instance(s1)
csv4.equal?(csv2) # true # Same CSV object

When a block is given, calls the block with the created or retrieved CSV object; returns the block’s return value:

CSV.instance(s0) {|csv| :foo } # => :foo

Alias for

Returns the count of the rows parsed or generated.


string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
path = 't.csv'
File.write(path, string) do |csv|
  csv.each do |row|
    p [csv.lineno, row]


[1, ["foo", "0"]]
[2, ["bar", "1"]]
[3, ["baz", "2"]]


CSV.generate do |csv|
  p csv.lineno; csv << ['foo', 0]
  p csv.lineno; csv << ['bar', 1]
  p csv.lineno; csv << ['baz', 2]



Returns the line most recently read:

string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
path = 't.csv'
File.write(path, string) do |csv|
  csv.each do |row|
    p [csv.lineno, csv.line]


[1, "foo,0\n"]
[2, "bar,1\n"]
[3, "baz,2\n"]

Rewinds the underlying IO object and resets CSV’s lineno() counter.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a String showing certain properties of self:

string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
csv =, headers: true)
s = csv.inspect
s # => "#<CSV io_type:StringIO encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:\",\" row_sep:\"\\n\" quote_char:\"\\\"\" headers:true>"

Sets the ordering; see Ordering; returns the new ordering.

If the given ordering is PERMUTE and environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined, sets the ordering to REQUIRE_ORDER; otherwise sets the ordering to ordering:

options =
options.ordering == GetoptLong::PERMUTE # => true
options.ordering = GetoptLong::RETURN_IN_ORDER
options.ordering == GetoptLong::RETURN_IN_ORDER # => true
options.ordering = GetoptLong::PERMUTE
options.ordering == GetoptLong::REQUIRE_ORDER # => true

Raises an exception if ordering is invalid.

Returns a new ipaddr built by masking IP address with the given prefixlen/netmask. (e.g. 8, 64, “”, etc.)

Returns true if the given ipaddr is in the range.


require 'ipaddr'
net1 ="")
net2 ="")
net3 ="")
net4 ="")
p net1.include?(net2)     #=> true
p net1.include?(net3)     #=> false
p net1.include?(net4)     #=> false
p net4.include?(net1)     #=> true

Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the ipaddr. (“#<IPAddr: family:address/mask>”)

Returns the netmask in string format e.g.

Set current netmask to given mask.

Returns true if the log level allows entries with severity Logger::INFO to be written, false otherwise. See Log Level.

Sets the log level to Logger::INFO. See Log Level.

Equivalent to calling add with severity Logger::INFO.

Returns an incremented value of default according to arg.

No documentation available

Puts option summary into to and returns to. Yields each line if a block is given.


Output destination, which must have method <<. Defaults to [].


Width of left side, defaults to @summary_width.


Maximum length allowed for left side, defaults to width - 1.


Indentation, defaults to @summary_indent.

Creates an option from the given parameters params. See Parameters for New Options.

The block, if given, is the handler for the created option. When the option is encountered during command-line parsing, the block is called with the argument given for the option, if any. See Option Handlers.

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