Results for: "Data"

Truncate to the nearest integer (by default), returning the result as a BigDecimal.

BigDecimal('3.14159').truncate #=> 3
BigDecimal('8.7').truncate #=> 8
BigDecimal('-9.9').truncate #=> -9

If n is specified and positive, the fractional part of the result has no more than that many digits.

If n is specified and negative, at least that many digits to the left of the decimal point will be 0 in the result.

BigDecimal('3.14159').truncate(3) #=> 3.141
BigDecimal('13345.234').truncate(-2) #=> 13300.0

Returns the numerator.

Rational(7).numerator        #=> 7
Rational(7, 1).numerator     #=> 7
Rational(9, -4).numerator    #=> -9
Rational(-2, -10).numerator  #=> 1

Returns the denominator (always positive).

Rational(7).denominator             #=> 1
Rational(7, 1).denominator          #=> 1
Rational(9, -4).denominator         #=> 4
Rational(-2, -10).denominator       #=> 5

Returns true if rat is less than 0.

Returns rat truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits (default: 0).

When the precision is negative, the returned value is an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros.

Returns a rational when ndigits is positive, otherwise returns an integer.

Rational(3).truncate      #=> 3
Rational(2, 3).truncate   #=> 0
Rational(-3, 2).truncate  #=> -1

  #    decimal      -  1  2  3 . 4  5  6
  #                   ^  ^  ^  ^   ^  ^
  #   precision      -3 -2 -1  0  +1 +2

Rational('-123.456').truncate(+1).to_f  #=> -123.4
Rational('-123.456').truncate(-1)       #=> -120

Returns a simpler approximation of the value if the optional argument eps is given (rat-|eps| <= result <= rat+|eps|), self otherwise.

r = Rational(5033165, 16777216)
r.rationalize                    #=> (5033165/16777216)
r.rationalize(Rational('0.01'))  #=> (3/10)
r.rationalize(Rational('0.1'))   #=> (1/3)

Returns a new Date object constructed from the present date: # => "2022-07-06"

See argument start.

Returns the day of the year, in range (1..366):, 2, 3).yday # => 34

Returns the day of the month in range (1..31):, 2, 3).mday # => 3

Returns the day of the month in range (1..31):, 2, 3).mday # => 3

Returns the commercial-date weekday index for self (see Date.commercial); 1 is Monday:, 2, 3).cwday # => 6

Returns the day of week in range (0..6); Sunday is 0:, 2, 3).wday # => 6

Returns true if self is a Sunday, false otherwise.

Returns true if self is a Monday, false otherwise.

Returns true if self is a Tuesday, false otherwise.

Returns true if self is a Wednesday, false otherwise.

Returns true if self is a Thursday, false otherwise.

Returns true if self is a Friday, false otherwise.

Returns the Julian start date for calendar reform; if not an infinity, the returned value is suitable for passing to Date#jd:

d =, 2, 3, Date::ITALY)
s = d.start     # => 2299161.0
Date.jd(s).to_s # => "1582-10-15"

d =, 2, 3, Date::ENGLAND)
s = d.start     # => 2361222.0
Date.jd(s).to_s # => "1752-09-14", 2, 3, Date::GREGORIAN).start # => -Infinity, 2, 3, Date::JULIAN).start    # => Infinity

See argument start.

Equivalent to Date#new_start with argument Date::ITALY.

Returns the integer day of the month for self, in range (1..31):

t =, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
# => 2000-01-02 03:04:05 +000006
t.mday # => 2

Related: Time#year, Time#hour, Time#min.

Returns the integer day of the month for self, in range (1..31):

t =, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
# => 2000-01-02 03:04:05 +000006
t.mday # => 2

Related: Time#year, Time#hour, Time#min.

Returns the integer day of the week for self, in range (0..6), with Sunday as zero.

t =, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
# => 2000-01-02 03:04:05 +000006
t.wday    # => 0
t.sunday? # => true

Related: Time#year, Time#hour, Time#min.

Returns the integer day of the year of self, in range (1..366)., 1, 1).yday   # => 1, 12, 31).yday # => 366

Returns true if self represents a Sunday, false otherwise:

t = Time.utc(2000, 1, 2) # => 2000-01-02 00:00:00 UTC
t.sunday?                # => true

Related: Time#monday?, Time#tuesday?, Time#wednesday?.

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