Results for: "minmax"

Returns a string description of self:'example').inspect # => "#<Dir:example>"

Sets the position in self to zero; see Dir As Stream-Like:

dir ='example')    # => "."    # => ".."
dir.pos     # => 2
dir.rewind  # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos     # => 0

Removes the directory at dirpath from the underlying file system:

Dir.rmdir('foo') # => 0

Raises an exception if the directory is not empty.

Creates a new name for an existing file using a hard link. Will not overwrite new_name if it already exists (raising a subclass of SystemCallError). Not available on all platforms."testfile", ".testfile")   #=> 0
IO.readlines(".testfile")[0]         #=> "This is line one\n"

Creates a symbolic link called new_name for the existing file old_name. Raises a NotImplemented exception on platforms that do not support symbolic links.

File.symlink("testfile", "link2test")   #=> 0

Returns the name of the file referenced by the given link. Not available on all platforms.

File.symlink("testfile", "link2test")   #=> 0
File.readlink("link2test")              #=> "testfile"

Deletes the named files, returning the number of names passed as arguments. Raises an exception on any error. Since the underlying implementation relies on the unlink(2) system call, the type of exception raised depends on its error type (see and has the form of e.g. Errno::ENOENT.

See also Dir::rmdir.

Returns the current umask value for this process. If the optional argument is given, set the umask to that value and return the previous value. Umask values are subtracted from the default permissions, so a umask of 0222 would make a file read-only for everyone.

File.umask(0006)   #=> 18
File.umask         #=> 6

Returns a new string formed by joining the strings using "/".

File.join("usr", "mail", "gumby")   #=> "usr/mail/gumby"

Returns true if filepath points to a symbolic link, false otherwise:

symlink = File.symlink('t.txt', 'symlink')
File.symlink?('symlink') # => true
File.symlink?('t.txt')   # => false

Returns a string which represents the encoding for programmers.

Encoding::UTF_8.inspect       #=> "#<Encoding:UTF-8>"
Encoding::ISO_2022_JP.inspect #=> "#<Encoding:ISO-2022-JP (dummy)>"

Search the encoding with specified name. name should be a string.

Encoding.find("US-ASCII")  #=> #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

Names which this method accept are encoding names and aliases including following special aliases


default external encoding


default internal encoding


locale encoding


filesystem encoding

An ArgumentError is raised when no encoding with name. Only Encoding.find("internal") however returns nil when no encoding named “internal”, in other words, when Ruby has no default internal encoding.

Rewinds the enumeration sequence to the beginning.

If the enclosed object responds to a “rewind” method, it is called.

Creates a printable version of e.

Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of obj. The default inspect shows the object’s class name, an encoding of its memory address, and a list of the instance variables and their values (by calling inspect on each of them). User defined classes should override this method to provide a better representation of obj. When overriding this method, it should return a string whose encoding is compatible with the default external encoding.

[ 1, 2, 3..4, 'five' ].inspect   #=> "[1, 2, 3..4, \"five\"]"                 #=> "2008-03-08 19:43:39 +0900"

class Foo
end                  #=> "#<Foo:0x0300c868>"

class Bar
  def initialize
    @bar = 1
end                  #=> "#<Bar:0x0300c868 @bar=1>"

Return this exception’s class name and message.

Return the matchee associated with this NoMatchingPatternKeyError exception.

Invokes Module.append_features on each parameter in reverse order.

Refine mod in the receiver.

Returns a module, where refined methods are defined.

Import class refinements from module into the current class or module definition.

Returns an array of modules defined within the receiver.

module A
  refine Integer do

  refine String do

p A.refinements


[#<refinement:Integer@A>, #<refinement:String@A>]

Returns the list of Modules nested at the point of call.

module M1
  module M2
    $a = Module.nesting
$a           #=> [M1::M2, M1]
$a[0].name   #=> "M1::M2"

Callback invoked whenever the receiver is included in another module or class. This should be used in preference to Module.append_features if your code wants to perform some action when a module is included in another.

module A
  def A.included(mod)
    puts "#{self} included in #{mod}"
module Enumerable
  include A
 # => prints "A included in Enumerable"

Returns true if module is included or prepended in mod or one of mod’s ancestors.

module A
class B
  include A
class C < B
B.include?(A)   #=> true
C.include?(A)   #=> true
A.include?(A)   #=> false

Returns a string representing this module or class. For basic classes and modules, this is the name. For singletons, we show information on the thing we’re attached to as well.

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