Results for: "max_by"

No documentation available

Returns the discarded bytes when Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError occurs.

ec ="EUC-JP", "ISO-8859-1")
rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError
  p $!      #=> #<Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError: "\xA1" followed by "\xFF" on EUC-JP>
  puts $!.error_bytes.dump          #=> "\xA1"
  puts $!.readagain_bytes.dump      #=> "\xFF"

Returns the bytes to be read again when Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError occurs.

Calls the given block once for each byte in the stream.

Generates a String with length number of cryptographically strong pseudo-random bytes.


#=> "..."

Queries the entropy gathering daemon EGD on socket path given by filename.

Fetches length number of bytes and uses ::add to seed the OpenSSL built-in PRNG.

Generate a random binary string.

The argument n specifies the length of the result string.

If n is not specified or is nil, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future.

The result may contain any byte: “x00” - “xff”.

require 'random/formatter'

Random.random_bytes #=> "\xD8\\\xE0\xF4\r\xB2\xFC*WM\xFF\x83\x18\xF45\xB6"
# or
prng =
prng.random_bytes #=> "m\xDC\xFC/\a\x00Uf\xB2\xB2P\xBD\xFF6S\x97"
No documentation available

Number of bytes read out of the tar entry

Returns the byte at zero-based index as an integer, or nil if index is out of range:

s = 'abcde'   # => "abcde"
s.getbyte(0)  # => 97
s.getbyte(-1) # => 101
s.getbyte(5)  # => nil

Related: String#setbyte.

Sets the byte at zero-based index to integer; returns integer:

s = 'abcde'      # => "abcde"
s.setbyte(0, 98) # => 98
s                # => "bbcde"

Related: String#getbyte.

For the given method names, marks the method as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This should only be called on methods that accept an argument splat (*args) but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the method such that if the method is called with keyword arguments, the final hash argument is marked with a special flag such that if it is the final element of a normal argument splat to another method call, and that method call does not include explicit keywords or a keyword splat, the final element is interpreted as keywords. In other words, keywords will be passed through the method to other methods.

This should only be used for methods that delegate keywords to another method, and only for backwards compatibility with Ruby versions before 3.0. See for details on why ruby2_keywords exists and when and how to use it.

This method will probably be removed at some point, as it exists only for backwards compatibility. As it does not exist in Ruby versions before 2.7, check that the module responds to this method before calling it:

module Mod
  def foo(meth, *args, &block)
    send(:"do_#{meth}", *args, &block)
  ruby2_keywords(:foo) if respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords, true)

However, be aware that if the ruby2_keywords method is removed, the behavior of the foo method using the above approach will change so that the method does not pass through keywords.

Reads and returns the next byte (in range 0..255) from the stream; returns nil if already at end-of-stream. See Byte IO.

f ='t.txt')
f.getbyte # => 70
f ='t.rus')
f.getbyte # => 209

Related: IO#readbyte (may raise EOFError).

Reads and returns the next byte (in range 0..255) from the stream; raises EOFError if already at end-of-stream. See Byte IO.

f ='t.txt')
f.readbyte # => 70
f ='t.rus')
f.readbyte # => 209

Related: IO#getbyte (will not raise EOFError).

Pushes back (“unshifts”) the given data onto the stream’s buffer, placing the data so that it is next to be read; returns nil. See Byte IO.

Note that:

When argument integer is given, uses only its low-order byte:

File.write('t.tmp', '012')
f ='t.tmp')
f.ungetbyte(0x41)   # => nil              # => "A012"
f.ungetbyte(0x4243) # => nil              # => "C012"

When argument string is given, uses all bytes:

File.write('t.tmp', '012')
f ='t.tmp')
f.ungetbyte('A')    # => nil              # => "A012"
f.ungetbyte('BCDE') # => nil              # => "BCDE012"

Use Addrinfo.getaddrinfo instead. This method is deprecated for the following reasons:

This method obtains the host information for hostname.

p Socket.gethostbyname("hal") #=> ["localhost", ["hal"], 2, "\x7F\x00\x00\x01"]

Use Addrinfo#getnameinfo instead. This method is deprecated for the following reasons:

This method obtains the host information for address.

p Socket.gethostbyaddr([221,186,184,68].pack("CCCC"))
#=> ["", [], 2, "\xDD\xBA\xB8D"]

p Socket.gethostbyaddr([127,0,0,1].pack("CCCC"))
["localhost", [], 2, "\x7F\x00\x00\x01"]
p Socket.gethostbyaddr(([0]*15+[1]).pack("C"*16))
#=> ["localhost", ["ip6-localhost", "ip6-loopback"], 10,

Obtains the port number for service_name.

If protocol_name is not given, “tcp” is assumed.

Socket.getservbyname("smtp")          #=> 25
Socket.getservbyname("shell")         #=> 514
Socket.getservbyname("syslog", "udp") #=> 514

Obtains the port number for port.

If protocol_name is not given, “tcp” is assumed.

Socket.getservbyport(80)         #=> "www"
Socket.getservbyport(514, "tcp") #=> "shell"
Socket.getservbyport(514, "udp") #=> "syslog"

Use Addrinfo.getaddrinfo instead. This method is deprecated for the following reasons:

This method lookups host information by hostname.

#=> ["localhost", ["hal"], 2, ""]

Pushes back (“unshifts”) an 8-bit byte onto the stream; see Byte IO.

Reads and returns the next 8-bit byte from the stream; see Byte IO.

Equivalent to get_byte. This method is obsolete; use get_byte instead.

Checks if a given hash is flagged by Module#ruby2_keywords (or Proc#ruby2_keywords). This method is not for casual use; debugging, researching, and some truly necessary cases like serialization of arguments.

ruby2_keywords def foo(*args)
foo(k: 1)   #=> true
foo({k: 1}) #=> false

Duplicates a given hash and adds a ruby2_keywords flag. This method is not for casual use; debugging, researching, and some truly necessary cases like deserialization of arguments.

h = {k: 1}
h = Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash(h)
def foo(k: 42)
foo(*[h]) #=> 1 with neither a warning or an error
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