Results for: "uniq!"

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Response class for Found responses (status code 302).

The Found response indicates that the client should look at (browse to) another URL.


Response class for Unauthorized responses (status code 401).

Authentication is required, but either was not provided or failed.


Response class for Not Found responses (status code 404).

The requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future.


Response class for Unsupported Media Type responses (status code 415).

The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support.


Response class for Unprocessable Entity responses (status code 422).

The request was well-formed but had semantic errors.


Response class for Unavailable For Legal Reasons responses (status code 451).

A server operator has received a legal demand to deny access to a resource or to a set of resources that includes the requested resource.


Response class for Service Unavailable responses (status code 503).

The server cannot handle the request (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance).


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Represents the use of the ‘nil` keyword.


Represents the use of the ‘undef` keyword.

undef :foo, :bar, :baz

Represents the use of the ‘unless` keyword, either in the block form or the modifier form.

bar unless foo

unless foo then bar end

Represents the use of the ‘until` keyword, either in the block form or the modifier form.

bar until foo

until foo do bar end

This represents a warning that was encountered during parsing.

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No documentation available

Raised by the DependencyInstaller when a specific gem cannot be found

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Raised by Resolver when a dependency requests a gem for which there is no spec.

Run an instance of the gem program.

Gem::GemRunner is only intended for internal use by RubyGems itself. It does not form any public API and may change at any time for any reason.

If you would like to duplicate functionality of ‘gem` commands, use the classes they call directly.

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This class is useful for exploring contents before and after a block

It searches above and below the passed in block to match for whatever criteria you give it:


def dog         # 1
  puts "bark"   # 2
  puts "bark"   # 3
end             # 4

scan =
  code_lines: code_lines
  block: code_lines[1])

scan.scan_while { true }

puts scan.before_index # => 0
puts scan.after_index  # => 3

Mini String IO [Private]

Acts like a StringIO with reduced API, but without having to require that class.

Find mis-matched syntax based on lexical count

Used for detecting missing pairs of elements each keyword needs an end, each ‘{’ needs a ‘}’ etc.


left_right =
# => "end"

left_right =
source = "{ a: b, c: d" # Note missing '}' source).each do |lex|
# => "}"

Tracks which lines various code blocks have expanded to and which are still unexplored

Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 462