Results for: "Logger"

OpenSSL IO buffering mix-in module.

This module allows an OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket to behave like an IO.

You typically won’t use this module directly, you can see it implemented in OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.

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The GC profiler provides access to information on GC runs including time, length and object space size.



require 'rdoc/rdoc'


See also GC.count, GC.malloc_allocated_size and GC.malloc_allocations

Mixin module that provides the following:

  1. Access to the CGI environment variables as methods. See documentation to the CGI class for a list of these variables. The methods are exposed by removing the leading HTTP_ (if it exists) and downcasing the name. For example, auth_type will return the environment variable AUTH_TYPE, and accept will return the value for HTTP_ACCEPT.

  2. Access to cookies, including the cookies attribute.

  3. Access to parameters, including the params attribute, and overloading [] to perform parameter value lookup by key.

  4. The initialize_query method, for initializing the above mechanisms, handling multipart forms, and allowing the class to be used in “offline” mode.

No documentation available

The Observable module extended to DRb. See Observable for details.

This module has all methods of FileUtils module, but it outputs messages before acting. This equates to passing the :verbose flag to methods in FileUtils.

The HTTPHeader module provides access to HTTP headers.

The module is included in:

The headers are a hash-like collection of key/value pairs called fields.

Request and Response Fields

Headers may be included in:

Exactly which fields should be sent or expected depends on the host; see:

About the Examples


A header field is a key/value pair.

Field Keys

A field key may be:


req =
req[:accept]  # => "*/*"
req['Accept'] # => "*/*"
req['ACCEPT'] # => "*/*"

req['accept'] = 'text/html'
req[:accept] = 'text/html'
req['ACCEPT'] = 'text/html'

Field Values

A field value may be returned as an array of strings or as a string:

The field value may be set:

Example field values:

Convenience Methods

Various convenience methods retrieve values, set values, query values, set form values, or iterate over fields.


Method []= can set any field, but does little to validate the new value; some of the other setter methods provide some validation:

Form Setters


Method [] can retrieve the value of any field that exists, but always as a string; some of the other getter methods return something different from the simple string value:



Flags for while and until loop nodes.

Flags for range and flip-flop nodes.

A module responsible for deserializing parse results.

Random number formatter.

Formats generated random numbers in many manners. When 'random/formatter' is required, several methods are added to empty core module Random::Formatter, making them available as Random’s instance and module methods.

Standard library SecureRandom is also extended with the module, and the methods described below are available as a module methods in it.


Generate random hexadecimal strings:

require 'random/formatter'

prng =
prng.hex(10) #=> "52750b30ffbc7de3b362"
prng.hex(10) #=> "92b15d6c8dc4beb5f559"
prng.hex(13) #=> "39b290146bea6ce975c37cfc23"
# or just
Random.hex #=> "1aed0c631e41be7f77365415541052ee"

Generate random base64 strings:

prng.base64(10) #=> "EcmTPZwWRAozdA=="
prng.base64(10) #=> "KO1nIU+p9DKxGg=="
prng.base64(12) #=> "7kJSM/MzBJI+75j8"
Random.base64(4) #=> "bsQ3fQ=="

Generate random binary strings:

prng.random_bytes(10) #=> "\016\t{\370g\310pbr\301"
prng.random_bytes(10) #=> "\323U\030TO\234\357\020\a\337"
Random.random_bytes(6) #=> "\xA1\xE6Lr\xC43"

Generate alphanumeric strings:

prng.alphanumeric(10) #=> "S8baxMJnPl"
prng.alphanumeric(10) #=> "aOxAg8BAJe"
Random.alphanumeric #=> "TmP9OsJHJLtaZYhP"

Generate UUIDs:

prng.uuid #=> "2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594"
prng.uuid #=> "bad85eb9-0713-4da7-8d36-07a8e4b00eab"
Random.uuid #=> "f14e0271-de96-45cc-8911-8910292a42cd"

All methods are available in the standard library SecureRandom, too:

SecureRandom.hex #=> "05b45376a30c67238eb93b16499e50cf"

Generate a random number in the given range as Random does

prng.random_number       #=> 0.5816771641321361
prng.random_number(1000) #=> 485
prng.random_number(1..6) #=> 3
prng.rand                #=> 0.5816771641321361
prng.rand(1000)          #=> 485
prng.rand(1..6)          #=> 3
No documentation available
No documentation available

Mixin methods for local and remote Gem::Command options.

No documentation available

Mixin methods for –version and –platform Gem::Command options.


Extends Fiddle::Closure to allow for building the closure in a block

SSLServer represents a TCP/IP server socket with Secure Sockets Layer.

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Generic Exception class that is raised if an error occurs during a Digest operation.

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Raised when an operation would resize or re-allocate a locked buffer.

Raised when the buffer cannot be allocated for some reason, or you try to use a buffer that’s not allocated.

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