Results for: "partition"

Returns the number of decimal significant digits in self.

BigDecimal("0").n_significant_digits         # => 0
BigDecimal("1").n_significant_digits         # => 1
BigDecimal("1.1").n_significant_digits       # => 2
BigDecimal("3.1415").n_significant_digits    # => 5
BigDecimal("-1e20").n_significant_digits     # => 1
BigDecimal("1e-20").n_significant_digits     # => 1
BigDecimal("Infinity").n_significant_digits  # => 0
BigDecimal("-Infinity").n_significant_digits # => 0
BigDecimal("NaN").n_significant_digits       # => 0

Converts a BigDecimal to a String of the form “nnnnnn.mmm”. This method is deprecated; use BigDecimal#to_s(“F”) instead.

require 'bigdecimal/util'

d = BigDecimal("3.14")
d.to_digits                  # => "3.14"

Import a JSON Marshalled object.

method used for JSON marshalling support.

Marshal the object to JSON.

method used for JSON marshalling support.

return the JSON value

Deserializes JSON string by converting numerator value n, denominator value d, to a Rational object.

Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this object.

Stores class name (Rational) along with numerator value n and denominator value d as JSON string

Return the accept character set for all new CGI instances.

Set the accept character set for all new CGI instances.

Equivalent to >> with argument n.

Equivalent to << with argument n.

Equivalent to >> with argument n * 12.

Equivalent to << with argument n * 12.

Returns a hash of the name/value pairs, to use in pattern matching. Possible keys are: :year, :month, :day, :wday, :yday.

Possible usages:

d =, 10, 5)

if d in wday: 3, day: ..7  # uses deconstruct_keys underneath
  puts "first Wednesday of the month"
#=> prints "first Wednesday of the month"

case d
in year: ...2022
  puts "too old"
in month: ..9
  puts "quarter 1-3"
in wday: 1..5, month:
  puts "working day in month #{month}"
#=> prints "working day in month 10"

Note that deconstruction by pattern can also be combined with class check:

if d in Date(wday: 3, day: ..7)
  puts "first Wednesday of the month"

Deserializes JSON string by converting Julian year y, month m, day d and Day of Calendar Reform sg to Date.

Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this object.

Stores class name (Date) with Julian year y, month m, day d and Day of Calendar Reform sg as JSON string

Returns a hash of the name/value pairs, to use in pattern matching. Possible keys are: :year, :month, :day, :wday, :yday, :hour, :min, :sec, :sec_fraction, :zone.

Possible usages:

dt =, 10, 5, 13, 30)

if d in wday: 1..5, hour: 10..18  # uses deconstruct_keys underneath
  puts "Working time"
#=> prints "Working time"

case dt
in year: ...2022
  puts "too old"
in month: ..9
  puts "quarter 1-3"
in wday: 1..5, month:
  puts "working day in month #{month}"
#=> prints "working day in month 10"

Note that deconstruction by pattern can also be combined with class check:

if d in DateTime(wday: 1..5, hour: 10..18, day: ..7)
  puts "Working time, first week of the month"

Deserializes JSON string by converting year y, month m, day d, hour H, minute M, second S, offset of and Day of Calendar Reform sg to DateTime.

Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this object.

Stores class name (DateTime) with Julian year y, month m, day d, hour H, minute M, second S, offset of and Day of Calendar Reform sg as JSON string

Deserializes JSON string by converting time since epoch to Time

Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this object.

Stores class name (Time) with number of seconds since epoch and number of microseconds for Time as JSON string

Search took: 7ms  ·  Total Results: 2657