Results for: "match"

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Interpolate substition vars in the arg (i.e. $(DEFFILE))

Load extra data embed into binary format String object.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds this spec’s require paths to LOAD_PATH, in the proper location.

Reset nil attributes to their default values to make the spec valid

Parses the most indented lines into blocks that are marked and added to the frontier

Returns the node id for the given backtrace location.

rescue =>  e
  loc = e.backtrace_locations.first
end # => 0

@return [Object] most up-to-date dependency in the possibility set

@macro action

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No documentation available

Processes the topmost available {RequirementState} on the stack @return [void]

Creates and pushes the initial state for the resolution, based upon the {#requested} dependencies @return [void]

@param [Object] possibility a single possibility @param [Array] requirements an array of requirements @return [Boolean] whether the possibility satisfies all of the

given requirements

@param [Object] requirement @return [ResolutionState] the state whose ‘requirement` is the given

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