Results for: "match"

creates a TCP/IP server on port and calls the block for each connection accepted. The block is called with a socket and a client_address as an Addrinfo object.

If host is specified, it is used with port to determine the server addresses.

The socket is not closed when the block returns. So application should close it explicitly.

This method calls the block sequentially. It means that the next connection is not accepted until the block returns. So concurrent mechanism, thread for example, should be used to service multiple clients at a time.

Note that Addrinfo.getaddrinfo is used to determine the server socket addresses. When Addrinfo.getaddrinfo returns two or more addresses, IPv4 and IPv6 address for example, all of them are used. Socket.tcp_server_loop succeeds if one socket can be used at least.

# Sequential echo server.
# It services only one client at a time.
Socket.tcp_server_loop(16807) {|sock, client_addrinfo|
    IO.copy_stream(sock, sock)

# Threaded echo server
# It services multiple clients at a time.
# Note that it may accept connections too much.
Socket.tcp_server_loop(16807) {|sock, client_addrinfo| {
      IO.copy_stream(sock, sock)
No documentation available

Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing; see {Option max_field_size}:'').max_field_size # => nil

Since 3.2.3.

Return the native thread ID which is used by the Ruby thread.

The ID depends on the OS. (not POSIX thread ID returned by pthread_self(3))

NOTE: If the thread is not associated yet or already deassociated with a native thread, it returns nil. If the Ruby implementation uses M:N thread model, the ID may change depending on the timing.

With a block given, calls the block with each element and its index; returns self:

h = {}
(1..4).each_with_index {|element, i| h[element] = i } # => 1..4
h # => {1=>0, 2=>1, 3=>2, 4=>3}

h = {}
%w[a b c d].each_with_index {|element, i| h[element] = i }
# => ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
h # => {"a"=>0, "b"=>1, "c"=>2, "d"=>3}

a = []
h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.each_with_index {|element, i| a.push([i, element]) }
# => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}
a # => [[0, [:foo, 0]], [1, [:bar, 1]], [2, [:baz, 2]]]

With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

Calls the block once for each element, passing both the element and the given object:

(1..4).each_with_object([]) {|i, a| a.push(i**2) }
# => [1, 4, 9, 16]

{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.each_with_object({}) {|(k, v), h| h[v] = k }
# => {0=>:foo, 1=>:bar, 2=>:baz}

With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

No documentation available

Starts tracing object allocations from the ObjectSpace extension module.

For example:

require 'objspace'

class C
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_sourcefile(obj)}:#{allocation_sourceline(obj)}"
end #=> "objtrace.rb:8"

This example has included the ObjectSpace module to make it easier to read, but you can also use the ::trace_object_allocations notation (recommended).

Note that this feature introduces a huge performance decrease and huge memory consumption.

Returns the method identifier for the given object.

class A
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_class_path(obj)}##{allocation_method_id(obj)}"
end #=> "Class#new"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Counts objects for each T_DATA type.

This method is only for MRI developers interested in performance and memory usage of Ruby programs.

It returns a hash as:

{RubyVM::InstructionSequence=>504, :parser=>5, :barrier=>6,
 :mutex=>6, Proc=>60, RubyVM::Env=>57, Mutex=>1, Encoding=>99,
 ThreadGroup=>1, Binding=>1, Thread=>1, RubyVM=>1, :iseq=>1,
 Random=>1, ARGF.class=>1, Data=>1, :autoload=>3, Time=>2}
# T_DATA objects existing at startup on r32276.

If the optional argument, result_hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

The contents of the returned hash is implementation specific and may change in the future.

In this version, keys are Class object or Symbol object.

If object is kind of normal (accessible) object, the key is Class object. If object is not a kind of normal (internal) object, the key is symbol name, registered by rb_data_type_struct.

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby.

MRI specific feature

Return all reachable objects from ‘obj’.

This method returns all reachable objects from ‘obj’.

If ‘obj’ has two or more references to the same object ‘x’, then returned array only includes one ‘x’ object.

If ‘obj’ is a non-markable (non-heap management) object such as true, false, nil, symbols and Fixnums (and Flonum) then it simply returns nil.

If ‘obj’ has references to an internal object, then it returns instances of ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper class. This object contains a reference to an internal object and you can check the type of internal object with ‘type’ method.

If ‘obj’ is instance of ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper class, then this method returns all reachable object from an internal object, which is pointed by ‘obj’.

With this method, you can find memory leaks.

This method is only expected to work except with C Ruby.


ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(['a', 'b', 'c'])
#=> [Array, 'a', 'b', 'c']

ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from(['a', 'a', 'a'])
#=> [Array, 'a', 'a', 'a'] # all 'a' strings have different object id

ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from([v = 'a', v, v])
#=> [Array, 'a']

#=> nil # 1 is not markable (heap managed) object

Calls CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON). Starts tracking memory allocations. See also OpenSSL.print_mem_leaks.

This is available only when built with a capable OpenSSL and –enable-debug configure option.

Specifies Emacs editing mode. The default is this mode. See the manual of GNU Readline for details of Emacs editing mode.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns true if emacs mode is active. Returns false if not.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Specifies a character to be appended on completion. Nothing will be appended if an empty string (“”) or nil is specified.

For example:

require "readline"

Readline.readline("> ", true)
Readline.completion_append_character = " "


Input "/var/li".

> /var/li
Press TAB key.

> /var/lib
Completes "b" and appends " ". So, you can continuously input "/usr".

> /var/lib /usr

NOTE: Only one character can be specified. When “string” is specified, sets only “s” that is the first.

require "readline"

Readline.completion_append_character = "string"
p Readline.completion_append_character # => "s"

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns a string containing a character to be appended on completion. The default is a space (“ ”).

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

When called during a completion (e.g. from within your completion_proc), it will return a string containing the character used to quote the argument being completed, or nil if the argument is unquoted.

When called at other times, it will always return nil.

Note that Readline.completer_quote_characters must be set, or this method will always return nil.

Sets a list of quote characters which can cause a word break.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Gets a list of quote characters which can cause a word break.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Sets a list of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the line. Completion occurs on the entire substring, and within the substring Readline.completer_word_break_characters are treated as any other character, unless they also appear within this list.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Gets a list of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the line.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Sets a list of characters that cause a filename to be quoted by the completer when they appear in a completed filename. The default is nil.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Gets a list of characters that cause a filename to be quoted by the completer when they appear in a completed filename.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns information about object moved in the most recent GC compaction.

The returned hash has two keys :considered and :moved. The hash for :considered lists the number of objects that were considered for movement by the compactor, and the :moved hash lists the number of objects that were actually moved. Some objects can’t be moved (maybe they were pinned) so these numbers can be used to calculate compaction efficiency.

Returns information about the most recent garbage collection.

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

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