Results for: "minmax"

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3

Call hooks on installed gems

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Dump only the raw version string, not the complete object. It’s a string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.

Load custom marshal format. It’s a string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.

A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.

returns an integer in (-infty, 0] a number closer to 0 means the dependency is less constraining

dependencies w/ 0 or 1 possibilities (ignoring version requirements) are given very negative values, so they always sort first, before dependencies that are unconstrained

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No documentation available

Sanitize a single string.

Returns an array with bindir attached to each executable in the executables list

Returns the full path to installed gem’s bin directory.

NOTE: do not confuse this with bindir, which is just ‘bin’, not a full path.

Returns the full path to an executable named name in this gem.

Duplicates array_attributes from other_spec so state isn’t shared.

Sets the rubygems_version to the current RubyGems version.

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Issues a warning for each file to be packaged which is world-readable.

Implementation for Specification#validate_permissions

Uninstalls gem spec

Regenerates plugin wrappers after removal.

No documentation available
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