Results for: "tally"

Initializes the MonitorMixin after being included in a class or when an object has been extended with the MonitorMixin

Adds aProc as a finalizer, to be called after obj was destroyed. The object ID of the obj will be passed as an argument to aProc. If aProc is a lambda or method, make sure it can be called with a single argument.

The return value is an array [0, aProc].

The two recommended patterns are to either create the finaliser proc in a non-instance method where it can safely capture the needed state, or to use a custom callable object that stores the needed state explicitly as instance variables.

class Foo
  def initialize(data_needed_for_finalization)
    ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.create_finalizer(data_needed_for_finalization))

  def self.create_finalizer(data_needed_for_finalization)
    proc {
      puts "finalizing #{data_needed_for_finalization}"

class Bar
 class Remover
    def initialize(data_needed_for_finalization)
      @data_needed_for_finalization = data_needed_for_finalization

    def call(id)
      puts "finalizing #{@data_needed_for_finalization}"

  def initialize(data_needed_for_finalization)

Note that if your finalizer references the object to be finalized it will never be run on GC, although it will still be run at exit. You will get a warning if you capture the object to be finalized as the receiver of the finalizer.

class CapturesSelf
  def initialize(name)
    ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc {
      # this finalizer will only be run on exit
      puts "finalizing #{name}"

Also note that finalization can be unpredictable and is never guaranteed to be run except on exit.

Removes all finalizers for obj.

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No documentation available

Sets the list of characters that are word break characters, but should be left in text when it is passed to the completion function. Programs can use this to help determine what kind of completing to do. For instance, Bash sets this variable to “$@” so that it can complete shell variables and hostnames.

See GNU Readline’s rl_special_prefixes variable.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Gets the list of characters that are word break characters, but should be left in text when it is passed to the completion function.

See GNU Readline’s rl_special_prefixes variable.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns the table for calculating CRC checksum as an array.

Returns true if the named file is readable by the real user and group id of this process. See access(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not readable by the real user/group.

If file_name is writable by others, returns an integer representing the file permission bits of file_name. Returns nil otherwise. The meaning of the bits is platform dependent; on Unix systems, see stat(2).

file_name can be an IO object.

File.world_writable?("/tmp")                  #=> 511
m = File.world_writable?("/tmp")
sprintf("%o", m)                              #=> "777"
No documentation available

Returns information for memory pools in the GC.

If the first optional argument, heap_name, is passed in and not nil, it returns a Hash containing information about the particular memory pool. Otherwise, it will return a Hash with memory pool names as keys and a Hash containing information about the memory pool as values.

If the second optional argument, hash_or_key, is given as Hash, it will be overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid the probe effect.

If both optional arguments are passed in and the second optional argument is a symbol, it will return a Numeric of the value for the particular memory pool.

On CRuby, heap_name is of the type Integer but may be of type String on other implementations.

The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may change in the future without notice.

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned.

This method is only expected to work on CRuby.

Returns a sharable hash map of error types and spell checker objects.

Start a dRuby server locally.

The new dRuby server will become the primary server, even if another server is currently the primary server.

uri is the URI for the server to bind to. If nil, the server will bind to random port on the default local host name and use the default dRuby protocol.

front is the server’s front object. This may be nil.

config is the configuration for the new server. This may be nil.

See DRbServer::new.

Start a dRuby server locally.

The new dRuby server will become the primary server, even if another server is currently the primary server.

uri is the URI for the server to bind to. If nil, the server will bind to random port on the default local host name and use the default dRuby protocol.

front is the server’s front object. This may be nil.

config is the configuration for the new server. This may be nil.

See DRbServer::new.

Returns an array of the string method names of the methods that accept the given keyword option opt; the argument must be a symbol:

FileUtils.collect_method(:preserve) # => ["cp", "copy", "cp_r", "install"]

Takes a hash as its argument. The key is a symbol or an array of symbols. These symbols correspond to method names, instance variable names, or constant names (see def_delegator). The value is the accessor to which the methods will be delegated.

Searches for the executable bin on path. The default path is your PATH environment variable. If that isn’t defined, it will resort to searching /usr/local/bin, /usr/ucb, /usr/bin and /bin.

If found, it will return the full path, including the executable name, of where it was found.

Note that this method does not actually affect the generated Makefile.

Open3.pipeline_start starts a list of commands as a pipeline. No pipes are created for stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|wait_threads|

wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


# Run xeyes in 10 seconds.
Open3.pipeline_start("xeyes") {|ts|
  sleep 10
  t = ts[0]
  p t.value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 911 SIGTERM (signal 15)>

# Convert pdf to ps and send it to a printer.
# Collect error message of pdftops and lpr.
pdf_file = "paper.pdf"
printer = "printer-name"
err_r, err_w = IO.pipe
Open3.pipeline_start(["pdftops", pdf_file, "-"],
                     ["lpr", "-P#{printer}"],
                     :err=>err_w) {|ts|
  p # error messages of pdftops and lpr.

Open3.pipeline_start starts a list of commands as a pipeline. No pipes are created for stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|wait_threads|

wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


# Run xeyes in 10 seconds.
Open3.pipeline_start("xeyes") {|ts|
  sleep 10
  t = ts[0]
  p t.value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 911 SIGTERM (signal 15)>

# Convert pdf to ps and send it to a printer.
# Collect error message of pdftops and lpr.
pdf_file = "paper.pdf"
printer = "printer-name"
err_r, err_w = IO.pipe
Open3.pipeline_start(["pdftops", pdf_file, "-"],
                     ["lpr", "-P#{printer}"],
                     :err=>err_w) {|ts|
  p # error messages of pdftops and lpr.

The version of the Marshal format for your Ruby.

No documentation available

The path to standard location of the user’s state file.

The path to standard location of the user’s data directory.

The path to standard location of the user’s state directory.

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