Results for: "uniq"

Raised by transcoding methods when a named encoding does not correspond with a known converter.

Mixin module making an object undumpable or unmarshallable.

If an object which includes this module is returned by method called over drb, then the object remains in the server space and a reference to the object is returned, rather than the object being marshalled and moved into the client space.

Mixin module making an object undumpable or unmarshallable.

If an object which includes this module is returned by method called over drb, then the object remains in the server space and a reference to the object is returned, rather than the object being marshalled and moved into the client space.

This module has all methods of FileUtils module, but never changes files/directories, with printing message before acting. This equates to passing the :noop and :verbose flag to methods in FileUtils.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Immutable and read-only representation of a timestamp token info from a Response.

Raised when unexpected case is happen.

Class for representing WebDAV method UNLOCK:

require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
hostname = uri.hostname # => ""
req = # => #<Net::HTTP::Unlock UNLOCK>
res = Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|


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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

A FetchError that indicates that the reason for not being able to fetch data was that the host could not be contacted

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Gem::Resolver::Molinillo is a generic dependency resolution algorithm.

Error raised when no cdylib artifact was created

Raised if the tar IO is not seekable

IO wrapper that allows writing a limited amount of data

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No documentation available

Removes duplicate elements from self, the first occurrence always being retained; returns self if any elements removed, nil otherwise.

With no block given, identifies and removes elements using method eql? to compare.

Returns self if any elements removed:

a = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]
a.uniq! # => [0, 1, 2]

Returns nil if no elements removed.

With a block given, calls the block for each element; identifies (using method eql?) and removes elements for which the block returns duplicate values.

Returns self if any elements removed:

a = ['a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'b', 'bb', 'bbb']
a.uniq! {|element| element.size } # => ['a', 'aa', 'aaa']

Returns nil if no elements removed.

Returns true for IPv6 unique local address (fc00::/7, RFC4193). It returns false otherwise.

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