Results for: "strip"

Writes string if inplace mode.

Writes the given objects to the stream; returns nil. Appends the output record separator $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($\), if it is not nil. See Line IO.

With argument objects given, for each object:

With default separators:

f ='t.tmp', 'w+')
objects = [0, 0.0, Rational(0, 1), Complex(0, 0), :zero, 'zero']



With specified separators:

$\ = "\n"
$, = ','



With no argument given, writes the content of $_ (which is usually the most recent user input):

f ='t.tmp', 'w+')
gets # Sets $_ to the most recent user input.

Formats and writes objects to the stream.

For details on format_string, see Format Specifications.

Sets the current file to the next file in ARGV. If there aren’t any more files it has no effect.

For example:

$ ruby argf.rb foo bar
ARGF.filename  #=> "foo"
ARGF.filename  #=> "bar"

Creates or retrieves cached CSV objects. For arguments and options, see

This API is not Ractor-safe.

With no block given, returns a CSV object.

The first call to instance creates and caches a CSV object:

s0 = 's0'
csv0 = CSV.instance(s0)
csv0.class # => CSV

Subsequent calls to instance with that same string or io retrieve that same cached object:

csv1 = CSV.instance(s0)
csv1.class # => CSV
csv1.equal?(csv0) # => true # Same CSV object

A subsequent call to instance with a different string or io creates and caches a different CSV object.

s1 = 's1'
csv2 = CSV.instance(s1)
csv2.equal?(csv0) # => false # Different CSV object

All the cached objects remains available:

csv3 = CSV.instance(s0)
csv3.equal?(csv0) # true # Same CSV object
csv4 = CSV.instance(s1)
csv4.equal?(csv2) # true # Same CSV object

When a block is given, calls the block with the created or retrieved CSV object; returns the block’s return value:

CSV.instance(s0) {|csv| :foo } # => :foo
No documentation available
No documentation available

Sets the ordering; see Ordering; returns the new ordering.

If the given ordering is PERMUTE and environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined, sets the ordering to REQUIRE_ORDER; otherwise sets the ordering to ordering:

options =
options.ordering == GetoptLong::PERMUTE # => true
options.ordering = GetoptLong::RETURN_IN_ORDER
options.ordering == GetoptLong::RETURN_IN_ORDER # => true
options.ordering = GetoptLong::PERMUTE
options.ordering == GetoptLong::REQUIRE_ORDER # => true

Raises an exception if ordering is invalid.

Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv4 address.

Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv6 address.

Returns true if the ipaddr is a private address. IPv4 addresses in, and as defined in RFC 1918 and IPv6 Unique Local Addresses in fc00::/7 as defined in RFC 4193 are considered private.

Puts option summary into to and returns to. Yields each line if a block is given.


Output destination, which must have method <<. Defaults to [].


Width of left side, defaults to @summary_width.


Maximum length allowed for left side, defaults to width - 1.


Indentation, defaults to @summary_indent.

Increases left margin after newline with indent for line breaks added in the block.

Opens a transaction block for the store. See Transactions.

With argument read_only as false, the block may both read from and write to the store.

With argument read_only as true, the block may not include calls to transaction, []=, or delete.

Raises an exception if called within a transaction block.

Returns the number of mandatory arguments. If the block is declared to take no arguments, returns 0. If the block is known to take exactly n arguments, returns n. If the block has optional arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of mandatory arguments, with the exception for blocks that are not lambdas and have only a finite number of optional arguments; in this latter case, returns n. Keyword arguments will be considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. A proc with no argument declarations is the same as a block declaring || as its arguments.

proc {}.arity                  #=>  0
proc { || }.arity              #=>  0
proc { |a| }.arity             #=>  1
proc { |a, b| }.arity          #=>  2
proc { |a, b, c| }.arity       #=>  3
proc { |*a| }.arity            #=> -1
proc { |a, *b| }.arity         #=> -2
proc { |a, *b, c| }.arity      #=> -3
proc { |x:, y:, z:0| }.arity   #=>  1
proc { |*a, x:, y:0| }.arity   #=> -2

proc   { |a=0| }.arity         #=>  0
lambda { |a=0| }.arity         #=> -1
proc   { |a=0, b| }.arity      #=>  1
lambda { |a=0, b| }.arity      #=> -2
proc   { |a=0, b=0| }.arity    #=>  0
lambda { |a=0, b=0| }.arity    #=> -1
proc   { |a, b=0| }.arity      #=>  1
lambda { |a, b=0| }.arity      #=> -2
proc   { |(a, b), c=0| }.arity #=>  1
lambda { |(a, b), c=0| }.arity #=> -2
proc   { |a, x:0, y:0| }.arity #=>  1
lambda { |a, x:0, y:0| }.arity #=> -2

Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. Keyword arguments will be considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.

class C
  def one;    end
  def two(a); end
  def three(*a);  end
  def four(a, b); end
  def five(a, b, *c);    end
  def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
  def seven(a, b, x:0); end
  def eight(x:, y:); end
  def nine(x:, y:, **z); end
  def ten(*a, x:, y:); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity     #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity     #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity   #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity    #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity    #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity     #=> -3
c.method(:seven).arity   #=> -3
c.method(:eight).arity   #=> 1
c.method(:nine).arity    #=> 1
c.method(:ten).arity     #=> -2

"cat".method(:size).arity      #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity   #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity   #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity     #=> -1

Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. Keyword arguments will be considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.

class C
  def one;    end
  def two(a); end
  def three(*a);  end
  def four(a, b); end
  def five(a, b, *c);    end
  def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
  def seven(a, b, x:0); end
  def eight(x:, y:); end
  def nine(x:, y:, **z); end
  def ten(*a, x:, y:); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity     #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity     #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity   #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity    #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity    #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity     #=> -3
c.method(:seven).arity   #=> -3
c.method(:eight).arity   #=> 1
c.method(:nine).arity    #=> 1
c.method(:ten).arity     #=> -2

"cat".method(:size).arity      #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity   #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity   #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity     #=> -1

Returns an array of all existing Thread objects that belong to this group.

ThreadGroup::Default.list   #=> [#<Thread:0x401bdf4c run>]

Basically the same as ::new. However, if class Thread is subclassed, then calling start in that subclass will not invoke the subclass’s initialize method.

Stops execution of the current thread, putting it into a “sleep” state, and schedules execution of another thread.

a = { print "a"; Thread.stop; print "c" }
sleep 0.1 while a.status!='sleep'
print "b"
#=> "abc"

Returns an array of Thread objects for all threads that are either runnable or stopped. { sleep(200) } { 1000000.times {|i| i*i } } { Thread.stop }
Thread.list.each {|t| p t}

This will produce:

#<Thread:0x401b3e84 sleep>
#<Thread:0x401b3f38 run>
#<Thread:0x401b3fb0 sleep>
#<Thread:0x401bdf4c run>

Returns the status of thr.


Returned if this thread is sleeping or waiting on I/O


When this thread is executing


If this thread is aborting


When this thread is terminated normally


If terminated with an exception.

a = { raise("die now") }
b = { Thread.stop }
c = { Thread.exit }
d = { sleep }
d.kill                  #=> #<Thread:0x401b3678 aborting>
a.status                #=> nil
b.status                #=> "sleep"
c.status                #=> false
d.status                #=> "aborting"
Thread.current.status   #=> "run"

See also the instance methods alive? and stop?

Returns true if thr is dead or sleeping.

a = { Thread.stop }
b = Thread.current
a.stop?   #=> true
b.stop?   #=> false

See also alive? and status.

Returns the current backtrace of the target thread.

Returns internal information of TracePoint.

The contents of the returned value are implementation specific. It may be changed in future.

This method is only for debugging TracePoint itself.

Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1534