Results for: "Data"

Expire memoized instance variables that can incorrectly generate, replace or miss files due changes in certain attributes used to compute them.

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Default options for the gem install and update commands.

State Transition Table Serialization

Enumerates the outdated local gems yielding the local specification and the latest remote version.

This method may take some time to return as it must check each local gem against the server’s index.

Add the install/update options to the option parser.

Default description for the gem install and update commands.

Returns a list of the private instance methods defined in mod. If the optional parameter is false, the methods of any ancestors are not included.

module Mod
  def method1()  end
  private :method1
  def method2()  end
Mod.instance_methods           #=> [:method2]
Mod.private_instance_methods   #=> [:method1]

Returns a relative path from the given base_directory to the receiver.

If self is absolute, then base_directory must be absolute too.

If self is relative, then base_directory must be relative too.

This method doesn’t access the filesystem. It assumes no symlinks.

ArgumentError is raised when it cannot find a relative path.

Note that this method does not handle situations where the case sensitivity of the filesystem in use differs from the operating system default.

Returns a string representation of lex_state.

Returns the class for the given object.

class A
  def foo
    ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{ObjectSpace::allocation_class_path(obj)}"
end #=> "Class"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

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Shortcut for defining multiple delegator methods, but with no provision for using a different name. The following two code samples have the same effect:

def_delegators :@records, :size, :<<, :map

def_delegator :@records, :size
def_delegator :@records, :<<
def_delegator :@records, :map

Define method as delegator instance method with an optional alias name ali. Method calls to ali will be delegated to accessor.method. accessor should be a method name, instance variable name, or constant name. Use the full path to the constant if providing the constant name. Returns the name of the method defined.

class MyQueue
  CONST = 1
  extend Forwardable
  attr_reader :queue
  def initialize
    @queue = []

  def_delegator :@queue, :push, :mypush
  def_delegator 'MyQueue::CONST', :to_i

q =
q.mypush 42
q.queue    #=> [42]
q.push 23  #=> NoMethodError
q.to_i     #=> 1

The number of paths in the +$LOAD_PATH+ from activated gems. Used to prioritize -I and +ENV+ entries during require.

Returns the value of Gem.source_date_epoch_string, as a Time object.

This is used throughout RubyGems for enabling reproducible builds.

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