Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Has this tuple expired? (true/false).

A tuple has expired when its expiry timer based on the sec argument to initialize runs out.

What does this dependency require?

Returns the first source in the list.

Lists the external (to RubyGems) requirements that must be met for this gem to work. It’s simply information for the user.


spec.requirements << 'libmagick, v6.0'
spec.requirements << 'A good graphics card'

Set requirements to req, ensuring it is an array.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a hex-encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a hex-encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value in a hex-encoded form and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a base64 encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a base64 encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

In either case, the return value is properly padded with ‘=’ and contains no line feeds.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

Stops the GC profiler.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Produce disassembly for an iseq

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No documentation available
No documentation available
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No documentation available
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