Results for: "strip"

Searches for gems starting with the supplied argument.

No documentation available

Gem uninstaller command line tool

See ‘gem help uninstall`

No documentation available

Raised when a tar file is corrupt

IO wrapper that creates digests of contents written to the IO it wraps.

Allows writing of tar files

A FetchError that indicates that the reason for not being able to fetch data was that the host could not be contacted

Specifies a Specification object that should be activated. Also contains a dependency that was used to introduce this activation.

The BestSet chooses the best available method to query a remote index.

It combines IndexSet and APISet

Used Internally. Wraps a Dependency object to also track which spec contained the Dependency.

An InstalledSpecification represents a gem that is already installed locally.

A set of gems for installation sourced from remote sources and local .gem files

The RequirementList is used to hold the requirements being considered while resolving a set of gems.

The RequirementList acts like a queue where the oldest items are removed first.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Represents an installed gem. This is used for dependency resolution.

For detail, see the MSDN.

— HKEY_*

Predefined key ((*handle*)).
These are Integer, not Win32::Registry.

— REG_*

Registry value type.

— KEY_*

Security access mask.


Key options.



If the key is created newly or opened existing key.
See also Registry#disposition method.
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

IO wrapper that allows writing a limited amount of data

No documentation available
No documentation available

Indicates a problem with the DNS request.

Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1534