Results for: "minmax"

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Rinda error base class

Raised when a hash-based tuple has an invalid key.

A RingServer allows a Rinda::TupleSpace to be located via UDP broadcasts. Default service location uses the following steps:

  1. A RingServer begins listening on the network broadcast UDP address.

  2. A RingFinger sends a UDP packet containing the DRb URI where it will listen for a reply.

  3. The RingServer receives the UDP packet and connects back to the provided DRb URI with the DRb service.

A RingServer requires a TupleSpace:

ts =
rs =

RingServer can also listen on multicast addresses for announcements. This allows multiple RingServers to run on the same host. To use network broadcast and multicast:

ts =
rs = ts, %w[Socket::INADDR_ANY, ff02::1]

RingProvider uses a RingServer advertised TupleSpace as a name service. TupleSpace clients can register themselves with the remote TupleSpace and look up other provided services via the remote TupleSpace.

Services are registered with a tuple of the format [:name, klass, DRbObject, description].

Base class for all Gem commands. When creating a new gem command, define initialize, execute, arguments, defaults_str, description and usage (as appropriate). See the above mentioned methods for details.

A very good example to look at is Gem::Commands::ContentsCommand

Installs a gem along with all its dependencies from local and remote gems.

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Raised when attempting to uninstall a gem that isn’t in GEM_HOME.

Raised when removing a gem with the uninstall command fails

Signals that a file permission error is preventing the user from operating on the given directory.

Used to raise parsing and loading errors

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Potentially raised when a specification is validated.

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Top level class for building the gem repository index.

The installer installs the files contained in the .gem into the Gem.home.

Gem::Installer does the work of putting files in all the right places on the filesystem including unpacking the gem into its gem dir, installing the gemspec in the specifications dir, storing the cached gem in the cache dir, and installing either wrappers or symlinks for executables.

The installer invokes pre and post install hooks. Hooks can be added either through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb file. See Gem.pre_install and Gem.post_install for details.

An Uninstaller.

The uninstaller fires pre and post uninstall hooks. Hooks can be added either through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb file. See Gem.pre_uninstall and Gem.post_uninstall for details.

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The UriFormatter handles URIs from user-input and escaping.

uf = ''

p uf.normalize #=> ''

Not a URI.

Not a URI component.

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