Results for: "module_function"

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Takes a token and gets the next token in the Negotiate authentication chain. Token can be Base64 encoded or not. The token can include the “Negotiate” header and it will be stripped. Does not indicate if SEC_I_CONTINUE or SEC_E_OK was returned. Token returned is Base64 encoded w/ all new lines removed.

Like Enumerable#map, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.

(1..Float::INFINITY) {|i| i**2 }
#=> #<Enumerator::Lazy: #<Enumerator::Lazy: 1..Infinity>:map>
(1..Float::INFINITY) {|i| i**2 }.first(3)
#=> [1, 4, 9]

Like Enumerable#select, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.

Set the encoding to use for the response body. If given a String, find the related Encoding.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

returns an integer in (-infty, 0] a number closer to 0 means the dependency is less constraining

dependencies w/ 0 or 1 possibilities (ignoring version requirements) are given very negative values, so they always sort first, before dependencies that are unconstrained

Returns a list of encodings in Content-Encoding field as an array of strings.

The encodings are downcased for canonicalization.

No documentation available

Removes the named instance variable from obj, returning that variable’s value. String arguments are converted to symbols.

class Dummy
  attr_reader :var
  def initialize
    @var = 99
  def remove
d =
d.var      #=> 99
d.remove   #=> 99
d.var      #=> nil

Defines a singleton method in the receiver. The method parameter can be a Proc, a Method or an UnboundMethod object. If a block is specified, it is used as the method body. If a block or a method has parameters, they’re used as method parameters.

class A
  class << self
    def class_name
A.define_singleton_method(:who_am_i) do
  "I am: #{class_name}"
A.who_am_i   # ==> "I am: A"

guy = "Bob"
guy.define_singleton_method(:hello) { "#{self}: Hello there!" }
guy.hello    #=>  "Bob: Hello there!"

chris = "Chris"
chris.define_singleton_method(:greet) {|greeting| "#{greeting}, I'm Chris!" }
chris.greet("Hi") #=> "Hi, I'm Chris!"

Execute the provided block, but preserve the rounding mode

BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
  BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, :up)
  puts BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE)

For use with the BigDecimal::ROUND_*

See BigDecimal.mode

fallback to console window size

Invoked as a callback whenever a singleton method is added to the receiver.

module Chatty
  def Chatty.singleton_method_added(id)
    puts "Adding #{id.id2name}"
  def     end
  def two()          end
  def Chatty.three() end


Adding singleton_method_added
Adding one
Adding three

Specifies VI editing mode. See the manual of GNU Readline for details of VI editing mode.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns true if vi mode is active. Returns false if not.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Specifies Emacs editing mode. The default is this mode. See the manual of GNU Readline for details of Emacs editing mode.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns true if emacs mode is active. Returns false if not.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

The current session cache mode.

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