Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Yields event/tuple pairs until this NotifyTemplateEntry expires.

Yields each Tuple in this AvailableSet

No documentation available

Delegates to @hash

Does this dependency match the specification described by name and version or match spec?

NOTE: Unlike matches_spec? this method does not return true when the version is a prerelease version unless this is a prerelease dependency.

Iterator over dependency_order

No documentation available

Cached RemoteFetcher instance.

No documentation available

Yields each source URI in the list.

Default fetcher instance. Use this instead of ::new to reduce object allocation.

Enumerate every known spec. See ::dirs= and ::add_spec to set the list of specs.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available





Public setter for the scheme component v (with validation).

See also URI::Generic.check_scheme.


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("")
uri.scheme = "https"
uri.to_s  #=> ""

Returns true if URI is hierarchical.


URI has components listed in order of decreasing significance from left to right, see RFC3986 1.2.3.


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("")
#=> true
uri = URI.parse("")
#=> false

Checks if URI has a path. For URI::LDAP this will return false.

Return value associated with key.

If there is no value for key and no block is given, returns ifnone.

Otherwise, calls block passing in the given key.

See ::DBM#fetch for more information.

No documentation available

Obtains a lock, runs the block, and releases the lock when the block completes. See the example under Thread::Mutex.

See IO#getch.

See IO#readchar.

Executes the block for every line in the stream where lines are separated by eol.

See also gets

Reads a one-character string from the stream. Raises an EOFError at end of file.

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