Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Returns true, if circular data structures should be checked, otherwise returns false.

Checks if ios starts with a BOM, and then consumes it and sets the external encoding. Returns the result encoding if found, or nil. If ios is not binmode or its encoding has been set already, an exception will be raised.

File.write("bom.txt", "\u{FEFF}abc")
ios ="bom.txt", "rb")
ios.set_encoding_by_bom    #=>  #<Encoding:UTF-8>

File.write("nobom.txt", "abc")
ios ="nobom.txt", "rb")
ios.set_encoding_by_bom    #=>  nil
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Set the encoding to use for the response body. If given a String, find the related Encoding.

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Return true if this spec can require file.

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