Results for: "max_by"

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@return [Array] specs of default gems that are ‘==` to the given `spec`.

@param [DependencyGraph] graph the graph to find vertices from @return [Edge] The edge this action adds

@param [DependencyGraph] graph the graph to find vertices from @return [Edge] The edge this action adds

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Interpolate substition vars in the arg (i.e. $(DEFFILE))

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Sorts the elements of self in place, using an ordering determined by the block; returns self.

Calls the block with each successive element; sorts elements based on the values returned from the block.

For duplicates returned by the block, the ordering is indeterminate, and may be unstable.

This example sorts strings based on their sizes:

a = ['aaaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'd']
a.sort_by! {|element| element.size }
a # => ["d", "cc", "bbb", "aaaa"]

Returns a new Enumerator if no block given:

a = ['aaaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'd']
a.sort_by! # => #<Enumerator: ["aaaa", "bbb", "cc", "d"]:sort_by!>

Returns the count of bytes in self:

"\x80\u3042".bytesize # => 4
"hello".bytesize # => 5

Related: String#length.

Returns a substring of self, or nil if the substring cannot be constructed.

With integer arguments index and length given, returns the substring beginning at the given index of the given length (if possible), or nil if length is negative or index falls outside of self:

s = '0123456789' # => "0123456789"
s.byteslice(2)   # => "2"
s.byteslice(200) # => nil
s.byteslice(4, 3)  # => "456"
s.byteslice(4, 30) # => "456789"
s.byteslice(4, -1) # => nil
s.byteslice(40, 2) # => nil

In either case above, counts backwards from the end of self if index is negative:

s = '0123456789'   # => "0123456789"
s.byteslice(-4)    # => "6"
s.byteslice(-4, 3) # => "678"

With Range argument range given, returns byteslice(range.begin, range.size):

s = '0123456789'    # => "0123456789"
s.byteslice(4..6)   # => "456"
s.byteslice(-6..-4) # => "456"
s.byteslice(5..2)   # => "" # range.size is zero.
s.byteslice(40..42) # => nil

In all cases, a returned string has the same encoding as self:

s.encoding              # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
s.byteslice(4).encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>

Returns an array of bytes in str. This is a shorthand for str.each_byte.to_a.

If a block is given, which is a deprecated form, works the same as each_byte.

Passes each byte in str to the given block, or returns an enumerator if no block is given.

"hello".each_byte {|c| print c, ' ' }


104 101 108 108 111

Calls the given block once for each byte (0..255) in ios, passing the byte as an argument. The stream must be opened for reading or an IOError will be raised.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

f ="testfile")
checksum = 0
f.each_byte {|x| checksum ^= x }   #=> #<File:testfile>
checksum                           #=> 12

See IO#each_byte.

Scans one byte and returns it. This method is not multibyte character sensitive. See also: getch.

s ='ab')
s.get_byte         # => "a"
s.get_byte         # => "b"
s.get_byte         # => nil

s ="\244\242".force_encoding("euc-jp"))
s.get_byte         # => "\xA4"
s.get_byte         # => "\xA2"
s.get_byte         # => nil
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