Results for: "Logger"

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The UriFormatter handles URIs from user-input and escaping.

uf = ''

p uf.normalize #=> ''

Raised by Timeout.timeout when the block times out.

Base class for all URI exceptions.

Not a URI.

Not a URI component.

URI is valid, bad usage is not.

Class that parses String’s into URI’s.

It contains a Hash set of patterns and Regexp’s that match and validate.

RefError is raised when a referenced object has been recycled by the garbage collector

Raised when a mathematical function is evaluated outside of its domain of definition.

For example, since cos returns values in the range -1..1, its inverse function acos is only defined on that interval:



Math::DomainError: Numerical argument is out of domain - "acos"
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Raised on attempt to Ractor#take if there was an uncaught exception in the Ractor. Its cause will contain the original exception, and ractor is the original ractor it was raised in.

r = { raise "Something weird happened" }

rescue => e
  p e             # => #<Ractor::RemoteError: thrown by remote Ractor.>
  p e.ractor == r # => true
  p e.cause       # => #<RuntimeError: Something weird happened>

Raised on an attempt to access an object which was moved in Ractor#send or Ractor.yield.

r = { sleep }

ary = [1, 2, 3]
r.send(ary, move: true)
# Ractor::MovedError (can not send any methods to a moved object)
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Raised by Encoding and String methods when the string being transcoded contains a byte invalid for the either the source or target encoding.

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A mixin that provides methods for parsing C struct and prototype signatures.


require 'fiddle/import'

include Fiddle::CParser
  #=> Object

  #=> Fiddle::TYPE_INT

parse_struct_signature(['int i', 'char c'])
  #=> [[Fiddle::TYPE_INT, Fiddle::TYPE_CHAR], ["i", "c"]]

parse_signature('double sum(double, double)')
  #=> ["sum", Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE, [Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE, Fiddle::TYPE_DOUBLE]]

A DSL that provides the means to dynamically load libraries and build modules around them including calling extern functions within the C library that has been loaded.


require 'fiddle'
require 'fiddle/import'

module LibSum
  extend Fiddle::Importer
  dlload './'
  extern 'double sum(double*, int)'
  extern 'double split(double)'

Used to construct C classes (CUnion, CStruct, etc)

Fiddle::Importer#struct and Fiddle::Importer#union wrap this functionality in an easy-to-use manner.

OpenSSL IO buffering mix-in module.

This module allows an OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket to behave like an IO.

You typically won’t use this module directly, you can see it implemented in OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.

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The GC profiler provides access to information on GC runs including time, length and object space size.



require 'rdoc/rdoc'


See also GC.count, GC.malloc_allocated_size and GC.malloc_allocations

Mixin module that provides the following:

  1. Access to the CGI environment variables as methods. See documentation to the CGI class for a list of these variables. The methods are exposed by removing the leading HTTP_ (if it exists) and downcasing the name. For example, auth_type will return the environment variable AUTH_TYPE, and accept will return the value for HTTP_ACCEPT.

  2. Access to cookies, including the cookies attribute.

  3. Access to parameters, including the params attribute, and overloading [] to perform parameter value lookup by key.

  4. The initialize_query method, for initializing the above mechanisms, handling multipart forms, and allowing the class to be used in “offline” mode.

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