Results for: "tally"

The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method.

depth is how many layers up the call stack it should go.


def a; Gem.location_of_caller; end a #=> [“x.rb”, 2] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)

def b; c; end def c; Gem.location_of_caller(2); end b #=> [“x.rb”, 6] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)

Like Enumerable#select, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.

Call the free function for this pointer. Calling more than once will do nothing. Does nothing if there is no free function attached.

Returns the total bytes of the input data to the stream. FIXME

Returns the total bytes of the output data from the stream. FIXME

Returns true if stat is writable by the real user id of this process.

File.stat("testfile").writable_real?   #=> true

Same as executable?, but tests using the real owner of the process.


No documentation available
No documentation available

Reads all tuples matching tuple from the proxied TupleSpace. See TupleSpace#read_all.

Finds all live tuples that match template.

Returns all tuples matching tuple. Does not remove the found tuples.

No documentation available

Used by the Resolver, the protocol to use a AvailableSet as a search Set.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Return full names of all specs in sorted order.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Removes all gems in list.

NOTE: removes uninstalled gems from list.

No documentation available

Similar to decode with the difference that decode expects one distinct value represented in der. decode_all on the contrary decodes a sequence of sequential BER/DER values lined up in der and returns them as an array.


ders = File.binread('asn1data_seq')
asn1_ary = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode_all(ders)

The total time used for garbage collection in seconds

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