Results for: "module_function"

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No documentation available

Parses the configuration data read from io and returns the whole content as a Hash.

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Sends the given command to this engine.

Raises an EngineError if the command fails.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Emit an arbitrary object obj and tag

Called when a sequence is started.

anchor is the anchor associated with the sequence or nil. tag is the tag associated with the sequence or nil. implicit a boolean indicating whether or not the sequence was implicitly started. style is an integer indicating the list style.

See the constants in Psych::Nodes::Sequence for the possible values of style.


Here is a YAML document that exercises most of the possible ways this method can be called:

- !!seq [
- &pewpew
  - b

The above YAML document consists of three lists, an outer list that contains two inner lists. Here is a matrix of the parameters sent to represent these lists:

# anchor    tag                       implicit  style
[nil,       nil,                      true,     1     ]
[nil,       ",2002:seq",  false,    2     ]
["pewpew",  nil,                      true,     1     ]

Called when a sequence ends.

Parse and return a Time from string

Start emitting a sequence with anchor, a tag, implicit sequence start and end, along with style.

See Psych::Handler#start_sequence

End sequence emission.

See Psych::Handler#end_sequence


This method is called when a parse error is found.

ERROR_TOKEN_ID is an internal ID of token which caused error. You can get string representation of this ID by calling token_to_str.

ERROR_VALUE is a value of error token.

value_stack is a stack of symbol values. DO NOT MODIFY this object.

This method raises ParseError by default.

If this method returns, parsers enter “error recovering mode”.

Creates a new Socket::AncillaryData object which contains file descriptors as data.

p Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(STDERR)
#=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 2>

returns the array of IO objects for SCM_RIGHTS control message in UNIX domain socket.

The class of the IO objects in the array is IO or Socket.

The array is attached to ancillarydata when it is instantiated. For example, BasicSocket#recvmsg attach the array when receives a SCM_RIGHTS control message and :scm_rights=>true option is given.

# recvmsg needs :scm_rights=>true for unix_rights
s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair
p s1                                         #=> #<UNIXSocket:fd 3>
s1.sendmsg "stdin and a socket", 0, nil, Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(STDIN, s1)
_, _, _, ctl = s2.recvmsg(:scm_rights=>true)
p ctl                                        #=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 6 7>
p ctl.unix_rights                            #=> [#<IO:fd 6>, #<Socket:fd 7>]
p File.identical?(STDIN, ctl.unix_rights[0]) #=> true
p File.identical?(s1, ctl.unix_rights[1])    #=> true

# If :scm_rights=>true is not given, unix_rights returns nil
s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair
s1.sendmsg "stdin and a socket", 0, nil, Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(STDIN, s1)
_, _, _, ctl = s2.recvmsg
p ctl #=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 6 7>
p ctl.unix_rights #=> nil

Returns new ancillary data for IP_PKTINFO.

If spec_dst is not given, addr is used.

IP_PKTINFO is not standard.

Supported platform: GNU/Linux

addr = Addrinfo.ip("")
ifindex = 0
spec_dst = Addrinfo.ip("")
p Socket::AncillaryData.ip_pktinfo(addr, ifindex, spec_dst)
#=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: INET IP PKTINFO ifindex:0 spec_dst:>

Extracts addr, ifindex and spec_dst from IP_PKTINFO ancillary data.

IP_PKTINFO is not standard.

Supported platform: GNU/Linux

addr = Addrinfo.ip("")
ifindex = 0
spec_dest = Addrinfo.ip("")
ancdata = Socket::AncillaryData.ip_pktinfo(addr, ifindex, spec_dest)
p ancdata.ip_pktinfo
#=> [#<Addrinfo:>, 0, #<Addrinfo:>]

Returns new ancillary data for IPV6_PKTINFO.

IPV6_PKTINFO is defined by RFC 3542.

addr = Addrinfo.ip("::1")
ifindex = 0
p Socket::AncillaryData.ipv6_pktinfo(addr, ifindex)
#=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: INET6 IPV6 PKTINFO ::1 ifindex:0>

Extracts addr and ifindex from IPV6_PKTINFO ancillary data.

IPV6_PKTINFO is defined by RFC 3542.

addr = Addrinfo.ip("::1")
ifindex = 0
ancdata = Socket::AncillaryData.ipv6_pktinfo(addr, ifindex)
p ancdata.ipv6_pktinfo #=> [#<Addrinfo: ::1>, 0]

Replace %w+% into the environment value of what is contained between the %‘s This method is used for REG_EXPAND_SZ.

For detail, see expandEnvironmentStrings Win32 API.

Duplicates the deflate stream.

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