Results for: "minmax"

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Load extra data embed into binary format String object.

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Returns every spec that has the given full_name

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No documentation available

Creates and pushes the initial state for the resolution, based upon the {#requested} dependencies @return [void]

Unwinds the states stack because a conflict has been encountered @return [void]

@param [DependencyState] state @param [Array] binding_requirements array of requirements @return [Boolean] whether or not the given state has any possibilities

that could satisfy the given requirements

@param [Object] requirement @return [ResolutionState] the state whose ‘requirement` is the given


(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState#unused_unwind_options)

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@return [UnwindDetails] Details of the nearest index to which we could unwind

@param [Array<Object>] binding_requirements array of requirements that combine to create a conflict @return [Array<UnwindDetails>] array of UnwindDetails that have a chance

of resolving the passed requirements

Filter’s a state’s possibilities to remove any that would not fix the conflict we’ve just rewound from @param [UnwindDetails] unwind_details details of the conflict just

unwound from

@return [void]

@param [String] name @return [Object] the requirement that led to a version of a possibility

with the given name being activated.

@return [String] the name of the source of ‘locked’ dependencies, i.e.

those passed to {Resolver#resolve} directly as the `base`

@return [Integer] index of state requirement in reversed requirement tree

(the conflicting requirement itself will be at position 0)

Filter’s a state’s possibilities to remove any that would (eventually) create a requirement in the conflict we’ve just rewound from @param [UnwindDetails] unwind_details details of the conflict just unwound from @return [void]

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