Results for: "tally"

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Returns a list of the public instance methods defined in mod. If the optional parameter is false, the methods of any ancestors are not included.

Returns a list of the protected instance methods defined in mod. If the optional parameter is false, the methods of any ancestors are not included.

Returns a list of the private instance methods defined in mod. If the optional parameter is false, the methods of any ancestors are not included.

module Mod
  def method1()  end
  private :method1
  def method2()  end
Mod.instance_methods           #=> [:method2]
Mod.private_instance_methods   #=> [:method1]

Similar to instance_method, searches public method only.

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Returns a string representation of lex_state.

Returns true for IPv6 unique local address (fc00::/7, RFC4193). It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast node-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast link-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast site-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast organization-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast global scope address. It returns false otherwise.

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Initialize WIN32OLE object(ActiveX Control) by calling IPersistMemory::InitNew.

Before calling OLE method, some kind of the ActiveX controls created with MFC should be initialized by calling IPersistXXX::InitNew.

If and only if you received the exception “HRESULT error code: 0x8000ffff catastrophic failure”, try this method before invoking any ole_method.

obj ="ProgID_or_GUID_of_ActiveX_Control")

Returns detail information of return value type of method. The information is array.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'Workbooks')
method =, 'Add')
p method.return_type_detail # => ["PTR", "USERDEFINED", "Workbook"]

Returns detail information of type of argument.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'IWorksheetFunction')
method =, 'SumIf')
param1 = method.params[0]
p param1.ole_type_detail # => ["PTR", "USERDEFINED", "Range"]

Returns detail information of type. The information is array of type.

tobj ='DirectX 7 for Visual Basic Type Library', 'D3DCLIPSTATUS')
variable = tobj.variables.find {|variable| == 'lFlags'}
tdetail  = variable.ole_type_detail

Handle BasicObject instances

Returns the value of the local variable symbol.

def foo
  a = 1
  binding.local_variable_get(:a) #=> 1
  binding.local_variable_get(:b) #=> NameError

This method is the short version of the following code:


Set local variable named symbol as obj.

def foo
  a = 1
  bind = binding
  bind.local_variable_set(:a, 2) # set existing local variable `a'
  bind.local_variable_set(:b, 3) # create new local variable `b'
                                 # `b' exists only in binding

  p bind.local_variable_get(:a)  #=> 2
  p bind.local_variable_get(:b)  #=> 3
  p a                            #=> 2
  p b                            #=> NameError

This method behaves similarly to the following code:

binding.eval("#{symbol} = #{obj}")

if obj can be dumped in Ruby code.

Returns true if a local variable symbol exists.

def foo
  a = 1
  binding.local_variable_defined?(:a) #=> true
  binding.local_variable_defined?(:b) #=> false

This method is the short version of the following code:

binding.eval("defined?(#{symbol}) == 'local-variable'")
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