Results for: "minmax"

Invoke the command with the given list of arguments.

Return the authoritative instance of the command manager.

Returns self. Allows a CommandManager instance to stand in for the class itself.

Does this dependency match the specification described by name and version or match spec?

NOTE: Unlike matches_spec? this method does not return true when the version is a prerelease version unless this is a prerelease dependency.

Installs the gem dep_or_name and all its dependencies. Returns an Array of installed gem specifications.

If the :prerelease option is set and there is a prerelease for dep_or_name the prerelease version will be installed.

Unless explicitly specified as a prerelease dependency, prerelease gems that dep_or_name depend on will not be installed.

If c-1.a depends on b-1 and a-1.a and there is a gem b-1.a available then c-1.a, b-1 and a-1.a will be installed. b-1.a will need to be installed separately.

Changes in rubygems to lazily loading ‘rubygems/command` (in order to lazily load `optparse` as a side effect) affect bundler’s custom installer which uses ‘Gem::Command` without requiring it (up until bundler 2.2.29). This hook is to compensate for that missing require.

TODO: Remove when rubygems no longer supports running on bundler older than 2.2.29.

Installs the gem and returns a loaded Gem::Specification for the installed gem.

The gem will be installed with the following structure:

  cache/<gem-version>.gem #=> a cached copy of the installed gem
  gems/<gem-version>/... #=> extracted files
  specifications/<gem-version>.gemspec #=> the Gem::Specification
No documentation available

Creates a new package that will read or write to the file gem.

Initialization tasks without the “yield self” or define operations.

Create the Rake tasks and actions specified by this Gem::PackageTask. (define is automatically called if a block is given to new).

No documentation available
No documentation available

Installs gems for this RequestSet using the Gem::Installer options.

If a block is given an activation request and installer are yielded. The installer will be nil if a gem matching the request was already installed.

Returns true if this source list includes other which may be a Gem::Source or a source URI.

Normalize the list of files so that:

A short summary of this gem’s description.

Performs the uninstall of the gem. This removes the spec, the Gem directory, and the cached .gem file.

Normalize the URI by adding “http://” if it is missing.

No documentation available

Sets userinfo, argument is string like ‘name:pass’.

Returns the userinfo, either as ‘user’ or ‘user:password’.

Returns normalized URI.

require 'uri'

#=> #<URI::HTTP>

Normalization here means:

Destructive version of normalize.

No documentation available
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