Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Verifies that data matches the signature created by public_key and the digest algorithm.

Ensures that signer is valid for time and was signed by the issuer. If the issuer is nil no verification is performed.

Ensures the public key of key matches the public key in signer

Ensures the root certificate in chain is self-signed and valid for time.

Ensures the root of chain has a trusted certificate in trust_dir and the digests of the two certificates match according to digester

Updates the TarHeader’s checksum

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Raises IOError if the TarWriter is closed

Does this dependency request match spec?

NOTE: matches_spec? matches prerelease versions. See also match?

Enumerates trusted certificates.

Delegates to the wrapped source’s fetch_spec method.

@macro action

@param [Array<Object>] binding_requirements array of requirements that combine to create a conflict @return [Array<UnwindDetails>] array of UnwindDetails that have a chance

of resolving the passed requirements

@param [String] name @return [Object] the requirement that led to a version of a possibility

with the given name being activated.

Requires the dependencies that the recently activated spec has @param [Object] possibility_set the PossibilitySet that has just been


@return [void]

Pushes a new {DependencyState} that encapsulates both existing and new requirements @param [Array] new_requirements @param [Boolean] requires_sort @param [Object] new_activated @return [void]

@param [Object] requirement the proposed requirement @param [Object] activated @return [Array] possibility set containing only the locked requirement, if any

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Check that a method is callable via dRuby.

obj is the object we want to invoke the method on. msg_id is the method name, as a Symbol.

If the method is an insecure method (see insecure_method?) a SecurityError is thrown. If the method is private or undefined, a NameError is thrown.

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