Results for: "minmax"

Logs in to the remote host. The session must have been previously connected. If user is the string “anonymous” and the password is nil, “anonymous@” is used as a password. If the acct parameter is not nil, an FTP ACCT command is sent following the successful login. Raises an exception on error (typically Net::FTPPermError).

Puts the connection into binary (image) mode, issues the given command, and fetches the data returned, passing it to the associated block in chunks of blocksize characters. Note that cmd is a server command (such as “RETR myfile”).

Puts the connection into ASCII (text) mode, issues the given command, and passes the resulting data, one line at a time, to the associated block. If no block is given, prints the lines. Note that cmd is a server command (such as “RETR myfile”).

Puts the connection into binary (image) mode, issues the given server-side command (such as “STOR myfile”), and sends the contents of the file named file to the server. If the optional block is given, it also passes it the data, in chunks of blocksize characters.

Puts the connection into ASCII (text) mode, issues the given server-side command (such as “STOR myfile”), and sends the contents of the file named file to the server, one line at a time. If the optional block is given, it also passes it the lines.

Retrieves remotefile in binary mode, storing the result in localfile. If localfile is nil, returns retrieved data. If a block is supplied, it is passed the retrieved data in blocksize chunks.

Transfers localfile to the server in binary mode, storing the result in remotefile. If a block is supplied, calls it, passing in the transmitted data in blocksize chunks.

No documentation available

Finishes the HTTP session and closes the TCP connection. Raises IOError if the session has not been started.

Sends a PROPFIND request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Sends a LOGIN command to identify the client and carries the plaintext password authenticating this user. Note that, unlike calling authenticate() with an auth_type of “LOGIN”, login() does not use the login authenticator.

A Net::IMAP::NoResponseError is raised if authentication fails.

Provide human-readable stringification of class state.

Finishes a POP3 session and closes TCP connection.

Returns the number of messages on the POP server.

Returns an array of Net::POPMail objects, representing all the messages on the server. This array is renewed when the session restarts; otherwise, it is fetched from the server the first time this method is called (directly or indirectly) and cached.

This method raises a POPError if an error occurs.

debugging output for msg

Provide human-readable stringification of class state.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Provide human-readable stringification of class state.

Finishes the SMTP session and closes TCP connection. Raises IOError if not started.

No documentation available
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