Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Iterates through the header names in the header, passing each header name to the code block.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

No documentation available

Iterates through header values, passing each value to the code block.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

As for each_header, except the keys are provided in capitalized form.

Note that header names are capitalized systematically; capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP server in its response.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

No documentation available

Change the current process’s real and effective user ID to that specified by user. Returns the new user ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::UID.change_privilege(31)    #=> 31
[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [31, 31]

Exchange real and effective user IDs and return the new effective user ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.uid, Process.euid]   #=> [0, 31]
Process::UID.re_exchange      #=> 0
[Process.uid, Process.euid]   #=> [31, 0]

Returns true if the real and effective user IDs of a process may be exchanged on the current platform.

Change the current process’s real and effective group ID to that specified by group. Returns the new group ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::GID.change_privilege(33)    #=> 33
[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [33, 33]

Exchange real and effective group IDs and return the new effective group ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.gid, Process.egid]   #=> [0, 33]
Process::GID.re_exchange      #=> 0
[Process.gid, Process.egid]   #=> [33, 0]

Returns true if the real and effective group IDs of a process may be exchanged on the current platform.

Adds a new {Edge} to the dependency graph without checking for circularity. @param (see add_edge) @return (see add_edge)

@param [Object] possibility a single possibility @param [Array] requirements an array of requirements @return [Boolean] whether the possibility satisfies all of the

given requirements

@param [Object] requirement @return [Array<Object>] the list of requirements that led to

`requirement` being required.

@param [String] requirement_name the spec name to search for @return [Object] the locked spec named ‘requirement_name`, if one

is found on {#base}

Checks a proposed requirement with any existing locked requirement before generating an array of possibilities for it. @param [Object] requirement the proposed requirement @param [Object] activated @return [Array] possibilities

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider#requirement_satisfied_by?)

Enumerates through the vertices of the graph. @return [Array<Vertex>] The graph’s vertices.

Passes each grapheme cluster in str to the given block, or returns an enumerator if no block is given. Unlike String#each_char, this enumerates by grapheme clusters defined by Unicode Standard Annex #29

"a\u0300".each_char.to_a.size #=> 2
"a\u0300".each_grapheme_cluster.to_a.size #=> 1

Same as Enumerator#with_index(0), i.e. there is no starting offset.

If no block is given, a new Enumerator is returned that includes the index.

Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object, obj, and returns obj

If no block is given, returns a new Enumerator.


to_three = do |y|
  3.times do |x|
    y << x

to_three_with_string = to_three.with_object("foo")
to_three_with_string.each do |x,string|
  puts "#{string}: #{x}"

# => foo: 0
# => foo: 1
# => foo: 2
No documentation available
No documentation available

Same as each, but the row index and column index in addition to the element

Matrix[ [1,2], [3,4] ].each_with_index do |e, row, col|
  puts "#{e} at #{row}, #{col}"
  # => Prints:
  #    1 at 0, 0
  #    2 at 0, 1
  #    3 at 1, 0
  #    4 at 1, 1
No documentation available
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