Results for: "match"

Computes the arctangent of decimal to the specified number of digits of precision, numeric.

If decimal is NaN, returns NaN.

BigMath.atan(BigDecimal('-1'), 16).to_s
#=> "-0.785398163397448309615660845819878471907514682065e0"

Allocate size bytes of memory and return the integer memory address for the allocated memory.

Returns a String containing the generated JSON data.

See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate.

Argument obj is the Ruby object to be converted to JSON.

Argument opts, if given, contains a Hash of options for the generation. See Generating Options.

When obj is an Array, returns a String containing a JSON array:

obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
json = JSON.generate(obj)
json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]'

When obj is a Hash, returns a String containing a JSON object:

obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
json = JSON.generate(obj)
json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'

For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see Generating JSON from Other Objects.

Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a String.

Raises an exception if obj contains circular references:

a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
# Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep):
No documentation available

Checks the status of the child process specified by pid. Returns nil if the process is still alive.

If the process is not alive, and raise was true, a PTY::ChildExited exception will be raised. Otherwise it will return a Process::Status instance.


The process id of the process to check


If true and the process identified by pid is no longer alive a PTY::ChildExited is raised.

Returns the log priority mask in effect. The mask is not reset by opening or closing syslog.

Sets the log priority mask. A method LOG_UPTO is defined to make it easier to set mask values. Example:

Syslog.mask = Syslog::LOG_UPTO(Syslog::LOG_ERR)

Alternatively, specific priorities can be selected and added together using binary OR. Example:

Syslog.mask = Syslog::LOG_MASK(Syslog::LOG_ERR) | Syslog::LOG_MASK(Syslog::LOG_CRIT)

The priority mask persists through calls to open() and close().

Compresses the given string. Valid values of level are Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION, Zlib::BEST_SPEED, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or an integer from 0 to 9.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def deflate(string, level)
  z =
  dst = z.deflate(string, Zlib::FINISH)

See also Zlib.inflate

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

Returns true if the named file is a character device.

file_name can be an IO object.

Returns a Hash containing information about the GC.

The hash includes information about internal statistics about GC such as:


The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may be changed in the future.

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

This method is only expected to work on C Ruby.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns true if new is newer than all old_list. Non-existent files are older than any file.

FileUtils.uptodate?('hello.o', %w(hello.c hello.h)) or \
    system 'make hello.o'

Returns true if new is newer than all old_list. Non-existent files are older than any file.

FileUtils.uptodate?('hello.o', %w(hello.c hello.h)) or \
    system 'make hello.o'
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Changes permission bits on the named files (in list) to the bit pattern represented by mode.

mode is the symbolic and absolute mode can be used.

Absolute mode is

FileUtils.chmod 0755, 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod 0644, %w(my.rb your.rb his.rb her.rb)
FileUtils.chmod 0755, '/usr/bin/ruby', verbose: true

Symbolic mode is

FileUtils.chmod "u=wrx,go=rx", 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod "u=wr,go=rr", %w(my.rb your.rb his.rb her.rb)
FileUtils.chmod "u=wrx,go=rx", '/usr/bin/ruby', verbose: true

is user, group, other mask.


is user’s mask.


is group’s mask.


is other’s mask.


is write permission.


is read permission.


is execute permission.


is execute permission for directories only, must be used in conjunction with “+”


is uid, gid.


is sticky bit.


is added to a class given the specified mode.


Is removed from a given class given mode.


Is the exact nature of the class will be given a specified mode.

Changes permission bits on the named files (in list) to the bit pattern represented by mode.

mode is the symbolic and absolute mode can be used.

Absolute mode is

FileUtils.chmod 0755, 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod 0644, %w(my.rb your.rb his.rb her.rb)
FileUtils.chmod 0755, '/usr/bin/ruby', verbose: true

Symbolic mode is

FileUtils.chmod "u=wrx,go=rx", 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod "u=wr,go=rr", %w(my.rb your.rb his.rb her.rb)
FileUtils.chmod "u=wrx,go=rx", '/usr/bin/ruby', verbose: true

is user, group, other mask.


is user’s mask.


is group’s mask.


is other’s mask.


is write permission.


is read permission.


is execute permission.


is execute permission for directories only, must be used in conjunction with “+”


is uid, gid.


is sticky bit.


is added to a class given the specified mode.


Is removed from a given class given mode.


Is the exact nature of the class will be given a specified mode.

Changes permission bits on the named files (in list) to the bit pattern represented by mode.

FileUtils.chmod_R 0700, "/tmp/app.#{$$}"
FileUtils.chmod_R "u=wrx", "/tmp/app.#{$$}"

Changes permission bits on the named files (in list) to the bit pattern represented by mode.

FileUtils.chmod_R 0700, "/tmp/app.#{$$}"
FileUtils.chmod_R "u=wrx", "/tmp/app.#{$$}"

Changes owner and group on the named files (in list) to the user user and the group group. user and group may be an ID (Integer/String) or a name (String). If user or group is nil, this method does not change the attribute.

FileUtils.chown 'root', 'staff', '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
FileUtils.chown nil, 'bin', Dir.glob('/usr/bin/*'), verbose: true

Changes owner and group on the named files (in list) to the user user and the group group. user and group may be an ID (Integer/String) or a name (String). If user or group is nil, this method does not change the attribute.

FileUtils.chown 'root', 'staff', '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
FileUtils.chown nil, 'bin', Dir.glob('/usr/bin/*'), verbose: true
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