Results for: "minmax"

Inserts the given other_string into self; returns self.

If the Integer index is positive, inserts other_string at offset index:

'foo'.insert(1, 'bar') # => "fbaroo"

If the Integer index is negative, counts backward from the end of self and inserts other_string at offset index+1 (that is, after self[index]):

'foo'.insert(-2, 'bar') # => "fobaro"

Returns a Matchdata object (or nil) based on self and the given pattern.

Note: also updates Regexp-related global variables.

With no block given, returns the computed matchdata:

'foo'.match('f') # => #<MatchData "f">
'foo'.match('o') # => #<MatchData "o">
'foo'.match('x') # => nil

If Integer argument offset is given, the search begins at index offset:

'foo'.match('f', 1) # => nil
'foo'.match('o', 1) # => #<MatchData "o">

With a block given, calls the block with the computed matchdata and returns the block’s return value:

'foo'.match(/o/) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => #<MatchData "o">
'foo'.match(/x/) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => nil
'foo'.match(/f/, 1) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => nil

Returns true or false based on whether a match is found for self and pattern.

Note: does not update Regexp-related global variables.

Computes regexp by converting pattern (if not already a Regexp).

regexp =

Returns true if self+.match(regexp) returns a Matchdata object, false otherwise:

'foo'.match?(/o/) # => true
'foo'.match?('o') # => true
'foo'.match?(/x/) # => false

If Integer argument offset is given, the search begins at index offset:

'foo'.match?('f', 1) # => false
'foo'.match?('o', 1) # => true

Returns the Integer index of the first occurrence of the given substring, or nil if none found:

'foo'.index('f') # => 0
'foo'.index('o') # => 1
'foo'.index('oo') # => 1
'foo'.index('ooo') # => nil

Returns the Integer index of the first match for the given Regexp regexp, or nil if none found:

'foo'.index(/f/) # => 0
'foo'.index(/o/) # => 1
'foo'.index(/oo/) # => 1
'foo'.index(/ooo/) # => nil

Integer argument offset, if given, specifies the position in the string to begin the search:

'foo'.index('o', 1) # => 1
'foo'.index('o', 2) # => 2
'foo'.index('o', 3) # => nil

If offset is negative, counts backward from the end of self:

'foo'.index('o', -1) # => 2
'foo'.index('o', -2) # => 1
'foo'.index('o', -3) # => 1
'foo'.index('o', -4) # => nil

Related: String#rindex

Returns the Integer index of the last occurrence of the given substring, or nil if none found:

'foo'.rindex('f') # => 0
'foo'.rindex('o') # => 2
'foo'.rindex('oo') # => 1
'foo'.rindex('ooo') # => nil

Returns the Integer index of the last match for the given Regexp regexp, or nil if none found:

'foo'.rindex(/f/) # => 0
'foo'.rindex(/o/) # => 2
'foo'.rindex(/oo/) # => 1
'foo'.rindex(/ooo/) # => nil

The last match means starting at the possible last position, not the last of longest matches.

'foo'.rindex(/o+/) # => 2
$~ #=> #<MatchData "o">

To get the last longest match, needs to combine with negative lookbehind.

'foo'.rindex(/(?<!o)o+/) # => 1
$~ #=> #<MatchData "oo">

Or String#index with negative lookforward.

'foo'.index(/o+(?!.*o)/) # => 1
$~ #=> #<MatchData "oo">

Integer argument offset, if given and non-negative, specifies the maximum starting position in the

string to _end_ the search:
 'foo'.rindex('o', 0) # => nil
 'foo'.rindex('o', 1) # => 1
 'foo'.rindex('o', 2) # => 2
 'foo'.rindex('o', 3) # => 2

If offset is a negative Integer, the maximum starting position in the string to end the search is the sum of the string’s length and offset:

'foo'.rindex('o', -1) # => 2
'foo'.rindex('o', -2) # => 1
'foo'.rindex('o', -3) # => nil
'foo'.rindex('o', -4) # => nil

Related: String#index

Returns a printable version of str, surrounded by quote marks, with special characters escaped.

str = "hello"
str[3] = "\b"
str.inspect       #=> "\"hel\\bo\""

Returns an array of lines in str split using the supplied record separator ($/ by default). This is a shorthand for str.each_line(separator, getline_args).to_a.

If chomp is true, separator will be removed from the end of each line.

"hello\nworld\n".lines              #=> ["hello\n", "world\n"]
"hello  world".lines(' ')           #=> ["hello ", " ", "world"]
"hello\nworld\n".lines(chomp: true) #=> ["hello", "world"]

If a block is given, which is a deprecated form, works the same as each_line.

Returns an array of the Integer ordinals of the characters in str. This is a shorthand for str.each_codepoint.to_a.

If a block is given, which is a deprecated form, works the same as each_codepoint.

Returns the Symbol corresponding to str, creating the symbol if it did not previously exist. See Symbol#id2name.

"Koala".intern         #=> :Koala
s = 'cat'.to_sym       #=> :cat
s == :cat              #=> true
s = '@cat'.to_sym      #=> :@cat
s == :@cat             #=> true

This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be represented using the :xxx notation.

'cat and dog'.to_sym   #=> :"cat and dog"

Returns true if str contains the given string or character.

"hello".include? "lo"   #=> true
"hello".include? "ol"   #=> false
"hello".include? ?h     #=> true

Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of obj.

Returns the absolute value of float.

(-34.56).abs   #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs     #=> 34.56
34.56.abs      #=> 34.56

Float#magnitude is an alias for Float#abs.

Returns true if float is a valid IEEE floating point number, i.e. it is not infinite and Float#nan? is false.

Returns a string containing a representation of self. As well as a fixed or exponential form of the float, the call may return NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity.

Returns true if fiber is blocking and false otherwise. Fiber is non-blocking if it was created via passing blocking: false to, or via Fiber.schedule.

Note, that even if the method returns false, Fiber behaves differently only if Fiber.scheduler is set in the current thread.

See the “Non-blocking fibers” section in class docs for details.

Returns false if the current fiber is non-blocking. Fiber is non-blocking if it was created via passing blocking: false to, or via Fiber.schedule.

If the current Fiber is blocking, the method, unlike usual predicate methods, returns a number of blocking fibers currently running (TBD: always 1?).

Note, that even if the method returns false, Fiber behaves differently only if Fiber.scheduler is set in the current thread.

See the “Non-blocking fibers” section in class docs for details.

Returns fiber information string.

Return a string describing this Dir object.

Repositions dir to the first entry.

d ="testdir")     #=> "."
d.rewind   #=> #<Dir:0x401b3fb0>     #=> "."

Deletes the named directory. Raises a subclass of SystemCallError if the directory isn’t empty.

Creates a new name for an existing file using a hard link. Will not overwrite new_name if it already exists (raising a subclass of SystemCallError). Not available on all platforms."testfile", ".testfile")   #=> 0
IO.readlines(".testfile")[0]         #=> "This is line one\n"

Creates a symbolic link called new_name for the existing file old_name. Raises a NotImplemented exception on platforms that do not support symbolic links.

File.symlink("testfile", "link2test")   #=> 0

Returns the name of the file referenced by the given link. Not available on all platforms.

File.symlink("testfile", "link2test")   #=> 0
File.readlink("link2test")              #=> "testfile"

Deletes the named files, returning the number of names passed as arguments. Raises an exception on any error. Since the underlying implementation relies on the unlink(2) system call, the type of exception raised depends on its error type (see and has the form of e.g. Errno::ENOENT.

See also Dir::rmdir.

Returns the current umask value for this process. If the optional argument is given, set the umask to that value and return the previous value. Umask values are subtracted from the default permissions, so a umask of 0222 would make a file read-only for everyone.

File.umask(0006)   #=> 18
File.umask         #=> 6
Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 1703