Results for: "strip"

Removes leading and trailing whitespace from the receiver. Returns the altered receiver, or nil if there was no change.

Refer to String#strip for the definition of whitespace.

"  hello  ".strip!  #=> "hello"
"hello".strip!      #=> nil

Returns a copy of the receiver with leading whitespace removed. See also String#rstrip and String#strip.

Refer to String#strip for the definition of whitespace.

"  hello  ".lstrip   #=> "hello  "
"hello".lstrip       #=> "hello"

Returns a copy of the receiver with trailing whitespace removed. See also String#lstrip and String#strip.

Refer to String#strip for the definition of whitespace.

"  hello  ".rstrip   #=> "  hello"
"hello".rstrip       #=> "hello"

Removes leading whitespace from the receiver. Returns the altered receiver, or nil if no change was made. See also String#rstrip! and String#strip!.

Refer to String#strip for the definition of whitespace.

"  hello  ".lstrip!  #=> "hello  "
"hello  ".lstrip!    #=> nil
"hello".lstrip!      #=> nil

Removes trailing whitespace from the receiver. Returns the altered receiver, or nil if no change was made. See also String#lstrip! and String#strip!.

Refer to String#strip for the definition of whitespace.

"  hello  ".rstrip!  #=> "  hello"
"  hello".rstrip!    #=> nil
"hello".rstrip!      #=> nil

Returns underlying String object, the subject of IO.

Changes underlying String object, the subject of IO.

Returns the string being scanned.

Changes the string being scanned to str and resets the scanner. Returns str.

Returns help string of OLE method. If the help string is not found, then the method returns nil.

tobj ='Microsoft Internet Controls', 'IWebBrowser')
method =, 'Navigate')
puts method.helpstring # => Navigates to a URL or file.

Returns help string.

tobj ='Microsoft Internet Controls', 'IWebBrowser')
puts tobj.helpstring # => Web Browser interface

Returns a frozen copy of the string passed in to match.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.string   #=> "THX1138."

Returns arg as a String.

First tries to call its to_str method, then its to_s method.

String(self)        #=> "main"
String(self.class)  #=> "Object"
String(123456)      #=> "123456"


Strips up to width leading whitespaces from input, and returns the stripped column width.


Strips up to width leading whitespaces from input, and returns the stripped column width.

Returns a string containing the IP address representation in canonical form.

No documentation available

Returns the Base64-encoded version of bin. This method complies with RFC 4648. No line feeds are added.

Returns the Base64-decoded version of str. This method complies with RFC 4648. ArgumentError is raised if str is incorrectly padded or contains non-alphabet characters. Note that CR or LF are also rejected.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns object. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.

Returns false. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.

Returns object. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.

Returns an array containing all of the filenames in the given directory. Will raise a SystemCallError if the named directory doesn’t exist.

The optional encoding keyword argument specifies the encoding of the directory. If not specified, the filesystem encoding is used.

Dir.entries("testdir")   #=> [".", "..", "config.h", "main.rb"]
Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1474