Results for: "partition"

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true if server advertises AUTH CRAM-MD5. You cannot get valid value before opening SMTP session.

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Add a list of extra arguments for the given command. args may be an array or a string to be split on white space.

Accessor for the specific extra args hash (self initializing).

Get a single gem name from the command line. Fail if there is no gem name or if there is more than one gem name given.

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Writes the file containing the arguments for building this gem’s extensions.

Returns true and prepares http response, if rdoc for the requested gem name pattern was found.

The search is based on the file system content, not on the gems metadata. This allows additional documentation folders like ‘core’ for the Ruby core documentation - just put it underneath the main doc folder.

Adds a dependency on gem dependency with type type that requires requirements. Valid types are currently :runtime and :development.

Creates a self-signed certificate with an issuer and subject of subject and the given extensions for the key.

Corrects path (usually returned by ‘URI.parse().path` on Windows), that comes with a leading slash.

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@macro action

@macro action

Is there a path from ‘self` to `other` following edges in the dependency graph? @return whether there is a path following edges within this {#graph}

@param [Vertex] other the vertex to check if there’s a path to @param [Set<Vertex>] visited the vertices of {#graph} that have been visited @return [Boolean] whether there is a path to ‘other` from `self`

@param [Object] underlying_error @return [Conflict] a {Conflict} that reflects the failure to activate

the {#possibility} in conjunction with the current {#state}

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider#search_for)

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider#sort_dependencies)

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@!visibility private

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