Results for: "match"

Combines specs in index and source then writes out a new copy to dest. For a latest index, does not ensure the new file is minimal.

Creates windows .bat files for easy running of commands

Creates the scripts to run the applications in the gem.

Creates the symlinks to run the applications in the gem. Moves the symlink if the gem being installed has a newer version.

Performs various checks before installing the gem such as the install repository is writable and its directories exist, required Ruby and rubygems versions are met and that dependencies are installed.

Version and dependency checks are skipped if this install is forced.

The dependent check will be skipped if the install is ignoring dependencies.

Writes the .gem file to the cache directory

Adds an executable named “executable” to spec with the given shebang.

The executable is also written to the bin dir in @tmpdir and the installed gem directory for spec.

Split the Gem search path (as reported by Gem.path).

Given a name and requirement, downloads this gem into cache and returns the filename. Returns nil if the gem cannot be located.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Find and fetch gem name tuples that match dependency.

If matching_platform is false, gems for all platforms are returned.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

TODO: move to minitest

TODO: move to minitest

No documentation available

Creates several default gems which all have a lib/code.rb file. The gems are not installed but are available in the cache dir.


gem a version 1, this is the best-described gem.


gem a version 2


gem a version 3.a


gem a_evil version 9, use this to ensure similarly-named gems don’t collide with a.


gem b version 2


gem c version 1.2


gem pl version 1, this gem has a legacy platform of i386-linux.

Additional prerelease gems may also be created:


gem a version 2.a

TODO: nuke this and fix tests. this should speed up a lot

Set the platform to arch

No documentation available

Choose from a list of options. question is a prompt displayed above the list. list is a list of option strings. Returns the pair [option_name, option_index].

Search took: 6ms  ·  Total Results: 2234