Results for: "uniq!"

Pushes back one character (passed as a parameter) onto ios, such that a subsequent buffered character read will return it. Only one character may be pushed back before a subsequent read operation (that is, you will be able to read only the last of several characters that have been pushed back). Has no effect with unbuffered reads (such as IO#sysread).

f ="testfile")   #=> #<File:testfile>
c = f.getc                 #=> "8"
f.ungetc(c)                #=> nil
f.getc                     #=> "8"

Reorganizes the database file. This operation removes reserved space of elements that have already been deleted. It is only useful after a lot of deletions in the database.

Identical to Enumerable#count, except it returns Infinity for endless ranges.

No documentation available

Returns true if self points to a mountpoint.

Returns pathname. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.

Truncates the file to length bytes.

See File.truncate.

Removes a file or directory, using File.unlink if self is a file, or Dir.unlink as necessary.

This method is called when strong warning is produced by the parser. fmt and args is printf style.

Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of strings.

p Ripper.tokenize("def m(a) nil end")
   # => ["def", " ", "m", "(", "a", ")", " ", "nil", " ", "end"]

Pushes back one character (passed as a parameter) such that a subsequent buffered read will return it. There is no limitation for multiple pushbacks including pushing back behind the beginning of the buffer string.

See IO#ungetbyte

Truncates the buffer string to at most integer bytes. The stream must be opened for writing.

Sets the scan pointer to the previous position. Only one previous position is remembered, and it changes with each scanning operation.

s ='test string')
s.scan(/\w+/)        # => "test"
s.scan(/../)         # => "te"
s.scan(/\d/)         # => nil
s.unscan             # ScanError: unscan failed: previous match record not exist

disconnects OLE server. If this method called, then the WIN32OLE_EVENT object does not receive the OLE server event any more. This method is trial implementation.

ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
ev =
ev.on_event() {...}

Generate results and print them. (see ERB#result)

Log an UNKNOWN message. This will be printed no matter what the logger’s level is.

See info for more information.

Returns a matrix with entries rounded to the given precision (see Float#round)

Returns a vector with entries rounded to the given precision (see Float#round)

Returns the modulus (Pythagorean distance) of the vector.

Vector[5,8,2].r => 9.643650761

Unlinks (deletes) the file from the filesystem. One should always unlink the file after using it, as is explained in the “Explicit close” good practice section in the Tempfile overview:

file ='foo')
   # something with file...
   file.unlink   # deletes the temp file

On POSIX systems it’s possible to unlink a file before closing it. This practice is explained in detail in the Tempfile overview (section “Unlink after creation”); please refer there for more information.

However, unlink-before-close may not be supported on non-POSIX operating systems. Microsoft Windows is the most notable case: unlinking a non-closed file will result in an error, which this method will silently ignore. If you want to practice unlink-before-close whenever possible, then you should write code like this:

file ='foo')
file.unlink   # On Windows this silently fails.
   # ... do something with file ...
   file.close!   # Closes the file handle. If the file wasn't unlinked
                 # because #unlink failed, then this method will attempt
                 # to do so again.

Dissociates meth from its current receiver. The resulting UnboundMethod can subsequently be bound to a new object of the same class (see UnboundMethod).

Wakes up thr, making it eligible for scheduling.

a = { puts "a"; Thread.stop; puts "c" }
sleep 0.1 while a.status!='sleep'
puts "Got here"

This will produce:

Got here

See also the instance method wakeup.

Releases the lock. Raises ThreadError if mutex wasn’t locked by the current thread.

Obtains a lock, runs the block, and releases the lock when the block completes. See the example under Mutex.

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