Results for: "match"

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Synonym for Element.elements.each

Evaluates to true if this element has any attributes set, false otherwise.

Adds an attribute to this element, overwriting any existing attribute by the same name.


can be either an Attribute or a String. If an Attribute, the attribute is added to the list of Element attributes. If String, the argument is used as the name of the new attribute, and the value parameter must be supplied.


Required if key is a String, and ignored if the first argument is an Attribute. This is a String, and is used as the value of the new Attribute. This should be the unnormalized value of the attribute (without entities).


the Attribute added

e = 'e'
e.add_attribute( 'a', 'b' )               #-> <e a='b'/>
e.add_attribute( 'x:a', 'c' )             #-> <e a='b' x:a='c'/>
e.add_attribute'b', 'd')   #-> <e a='b' x:a='c' b='d'/>

Add multiple attributes to this element.


is either a hash, or array of arrays

el.add_attributes( {"name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value2"} )
el.add_attributes( [ ["name1","value1"], ["name2"=>"value2"] ] )

Removes an attribute


either an Attribute or a String. In either case, the attribute is found by matching the attribute name to the argument, and then removed. If no attribute is found, no action is taken.


the attribute removed, or nil if this Element did not contain a matching attribute

e ='E')
e.add_attribute( 'name', 'Sean' )             #-> <E name='Sean'/>
r = e.add_attribute( 'sur:name', 'Russell' )  #-> <E name='Sean' sur:name='Russell'/>
e.delete_attribute( 'name' )                  #-> <E sur:name='Russell'/>
e.delete_attribute( r )                       #-> <E/>

Fetches an attribute


the name by which to search for the attribute. Can be a prefix:name namespace name.


The first matching attribute, or nil if there was none. This

value is an Attribute node, not the String value of the attribute.

doc = '<a x:foo="1" foo="2" bar="3"/>'
doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("foo").value    #-> "2"
doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("x:foo").value  #-> "1"
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Replaces one child with another, making sure the nodelist is correct @param to_replace the child to replace (must be a Child) @param replacement the child to insert into the nodelist (must be a Child)

Generates a Source object @param arg Either a String, or an IO @return a Source, or nil if a bad argument was given

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Creates a socket at address

If address is multicast address then interface_address and multicast_interface can be set as optional.

A created socket is bound to interface_address. If you use IPv4 multicast then the interface of interface_address is used as the inbound interface. If interface_address is omitted or nil then ‘’ or ‘::1’ is used.

If you use IPv6 multicast then multicast_interface is used as the inbound interface. multicast_interface is a network interface index. If multicast_interface is omitted then 0 (default interface) is used.

Returns an expiry Time based on sec which can be one of:


sec seconds into the future


the expiry time is the start of 1970 (i.e. expired)


it is Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 GMT Standard Time 2038 (i.e. when UNIX clocks will die)

Creates a Rinda::Tuple for ary.

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Try to get the XML associated with rss. Return rss if it already looks like XML, or treat it as a URI, or a file to get the XML,

maybe_xml? tests if source is a string that looks like XML.

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