Results for: "match"

Save session state to the session’s FileStore file.

Update session state.

A no-op.

Update session state.

A no-op.

Save session state to the session’s PStore file.

Returns true if files may be created in the directory by STOU, STOR, APPE, and RNTO.

Returns true if the file or directory may be renamed by RNFR.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Creates a new DNS name from arg. arg can be:


returns arg.


Creates a new Name.

Creates a new LOC::Size from arg which may be:


returns arg.


arg must match the LOC::Size::Regex constant

Creates a new LOC::Coord from arg which may be:


returns arg.


arg must match the LOC::Coord::Regex constant

Creates a new LOC::Alt from arg which may be:


returns arg.


arg must match the LOC::Alt::Regex constant

No documentation available
No documentation available

Escapes all possible entities

Unescapes all possible entities

No documentation available

Content: [ String text ]

Content: [ String text ]

Content: [ String text ]

No documentation available
No documentation available

Filters the supplied nodeset on the predicate(s)

Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 2234